Chair Laura Rusk called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.; present were Laura Rusk, Kay Ryan, Jim Dier and Cindy Gutsch.
The minutes of the February 14, 2018 Board meeting were approved as presented by Jim Dier; 2nd Laura Rusk; motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
$31,750.33 01/31/2018 Bank Statement Balance
$ 131.73- Less 0 Outstanding Checks
$31,618.60 02/01/2018 Beginning Check Book Balance
February Bank Statement Activity
$ 6,743.23 Deposits
$795,842.91 Transfer from MMDA
$ 16.00 Dog License
$ 25.24 Interest Earned
$279,788.08- Checks Cleared
$554,589.63 02/28/2018 Bank Statement Balance
$469,196.45– Less 2 Outstanding Checks
$ 85,393.18 02/28/2018 Ending Check Book Balance
MMDA Account
$787,480.94 Beginning Balance
$111,437.14 Deposits
$795,842.91- Transfer to Checking General Fund $4,177.15
$ 179.32- NSF Check Highway Fund $68,173.00
$ 10.00- NSF Check and Fee Recovery Building Fund $27,334.00
$ 138.88 Interest Earned Dog Licenses $387.00
$103,024.73 02/28/18 Ending Bank Statement Balance Overpaid Taxes $2,953.58
$188,417.91 Total All Accounts
The Treasures report was approved as presented by Kay Ryan; 2nd Jim Dier; motion carried.
ROAD REPORT – road bans on town roads will be effective at noon on March 15, 2018. There will be a letter prepared for the residents on Summers Point Road asking them to put up a snow fence in the areas where drifting occurs. There had been a problem with people parking on Clements Road, but Pete Czarnecki said that he has plowed a parking area to eliminate the problem.
ORDINANCE NO. 2018-01 ROOM TAX was approved on a motion from Kay Ryan; 2nd Jim Dier; motion carried.
TOURISM AGREEMENT FOR THE HAYWARD LAKES VISITOR AND CONVENTION BUREAU was approved by Laura Rusk; 2nd Jim Dier contingent upon the HLVCB acceptance of said tourism agreement; motion carried
TOURISM AGREEMENT FOR LAKE CHIPPEWA FLOWAGE RESORT ASSOCIATION was approved on a motion from Laura Rusk; 2nd Kay Ryan; contingent upon the LCFRA acceptance of said tourism agreement; motion carried
RESOLUTION NO. 2018-01 MUNICIPAL CLERK TO SERVE AS ELECTION REGISTRATION OFFICIAL ON ELECTION DAY was approved on a motion from Kay Ryan; 2nd Jim Dier; motion carried.
Jim Dier contacted the Wisconsin Towns Association regarding a LEGISLATOR BUS TOUR to view our roads that was brought up at the WTA Spring Workshop. He was advised by attorney Rick Manthe that they are in the beginning stages and they would get more active with organizing the tour closer to the fall elections.
Jim Dier made a motion to APPROVE PAYMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND PAYROLL for checks #16505 to #16535 & electronic payments from 02/15/2018 to 03/14/2018 for a total expenditure of $744,504.72; 2nd Kay Ryan; motion carried.
The Chair ended the meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Cindy Gutsch, Treasurer