MONTHLY BOARD MEETING – February 14, 2018
Chair Laura Rusk called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.; present were Laura Rusk, Kay Ryan, Jim Dier, Patty Swaffield and Cindy Gutsch. The minutes of the January 10, 2018 Board meeting were approved as presented by Kay Ryan; 2nd Jim Dier; motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
$20,585.03 12/31/2017 Bank Statement Balance
$ 0.00 Less 0 Outstanding Checks
$20,585.03 01/01/2018 Beginning Check Book Balance
January Bank Statement Activity
$ 24,166.40 Deposits
$630,749.12 Transfer from MMDA
$ 9.11 Interest Earned
$643,759.33- Checks Cleared
$ 31,750.33 01/31/2018 Bank Statement Balance
$ 131.73– Less 2 Outstanding Checks
$ 31,618.60 01/31/2018 Ending Check Book Balance
MMDA Account
$762,695.13 Beginning Balance
$655,572.12 Deposits
$630,749.12- Transfer to Checking General Fund $3,986.17
$ 242.44- Deposit Books Highway Fund $68,173.00
$ 19.99 NSF Check and Fee Recovery Building Fund $27,334.00
$ 27.42- Address Stamp Taxes $686,941.65
$ 212.34Interest Earned Dog Licenses $340.00
$787,480.94 01/31/18 Ending Bank Statement Balance Overpaid Taxes $706.12
$819,099.54 Total All Accounts
The Treasures report was approved as presented by Jim Dier; 2nd Kay Ryan; motion carried.
A VARIANCE APPLICATION for Fishing Has No Boundaries was presented to construct two attached 12’x54’ lean-tos onto an existing 21’x54’ pole shed. The Comprehensive Planning Commission was in favor of the application with a minimum amount of tree cutting. Jim Dier made a motion to approve FHNB Variance Application to construct two 12’x54’ lean-tos with a minimum amount of tree cutting and that all materials be stored in the lean-tos or pole shed; 2nd Kay Ryan; motion carried.
ROAD REPORT – Reid asked if we could put up No Parking Signs on a portion of Kelsey Road because of snowmobilers parking their cars and trucks on the road for access to the Flowage. The Board agreed and the signs should say ‘No Parking by Town Ordinance’.
ROOM TAX – the Board feels it has had sufficient input from residents, businesses, tourism entities and other Towns to discuss and make an informed decision on the room tax issue. The majority of the input has been in favor of the proposed tax. Concerns expressed by the Board included how the tourism spending will be accounted for, the proposed 80/20 split between HLVCB and Chippewa Flowage Resorts Assoc., and foremost, maintaining the integrity of our resources. After much discussion among the Board and some direct questions to audience members Laura Rusk made a motion to approve the room tax with the stipulation not to exceed 4% tax. The entities chosen to receive the 70% of the funds will be the Hayward Lakes Visitor Bureau, the Chippewa Flowage Resort Association in a split of 60/40 with 60% going to Hayward Lakes and 40% going to the Chippewa Flowage Resort Association. The law provides for 30% of the funds received to remain with the Town of Hunter to be spent as we deemed necessary; 2nd Jim Dier; motion carried. The room tax ordinance will be written and approved at the April meeting.
The 2017 ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT was reviewed with no further discussion. The ordinance will be written and approved at the April meeting.
In order to get more EMAIL ADDRESSES FROM OUR RESIDENTS for email blasts using Mail Chimp, Jim suggested sending a post card to everyone asking for their emails. This will be done within the next couple months.
A BARTENDER LICENSE FOR Collin Mikesh was approved on a motion from Laura Rusk; 2nd Jim Dier; motion carried.
Kay Ryan made a motion to APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS AND PAYROLL for checks #16473 to #16504 & electronic payments from 01/11/2018 to 02/14/2018 for a total expenditure of $657,175.39; 2nd Jim Dier; motion carried.
The Chair ended the meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk