Chair Laura Rusk called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.; all members except Cindy Gutsch present.

The minutes of the May 10, 2017 Board meeting were approved as presented by Kay Ryan; 2nd Jim Dier; motion carried

Treasurer’s Report:

04/30/2017 Bank Statement Balance                         $ 69,842.50

Less 4 Outstanding Checks                                           –$   5,391.41

05/01/2017 Beginning Check Book Balance              $ 64,451.09


May Bank Statement Activity

Deposits                                                            $   7,748.32

Interest Earned                                               $          4.13

Checks Cleared                                              -$ 37,254.65

05/31/2017 Bank Statement Balance        $ 40,340.30

Less 1 Outstanding Checks                           –$        77.38

05/31/2017 Ending Check Book Balance   $ 40,262.92


MMDA Account Beginning Balance             $  87,341.63                General Fund $3,960.47

Interest Earned                                                 $         14.84                Highway Fund $56,062.00

05/31/17 Ending Bank Statement Balance $  87,356.47                Building Fund $27,334.00

Total All Accounts                                           $127,715.74


The Treasures report was approved as presented by Jim Dier; 2nd Kay Ryan; motion carried.

ROAD REPORT – due to the recent storm culverts failed on Flowage Road in New Post which caused a portion of the road to collapse.  The bridge was also out by Shady Nook Resort.  There was no contamination to the New Post water main that services all the people in that area.  We hired Heather Harrington from the Northern WI Based Engineers to guide us in fixing the wash out.

ZONING – a change in zone district was submitted for Gary & Diane Sisko for the purpose of changing any of their property that is F-1 to RR-1.  Gary Sisko said the reason for the re-zone is for future expansion of the resort, consistency of the properties and several of the properties are in multi zones.  There were 6 opinion letters sent to surrounding property owners and none were returned. Jim Dier made a motion to accept the Sisko re-zone from F-1 to RR-1; 2nd Laura Rusk; motion carried.

DAN YANKOWIAK, CHIPPEWA FLOWAGE PROPERTY MANAGER, was present requesting that one of the Fishing Has No Boundaries buoys be changed to a permanent buoy.  Presently it is a temporary buoy during the FHNB event.  He said that boaters are not seeing the buoys by the Chippewa Campground.  Laura Rusk made a motion with a 2nd by Jim Dier to change Ordinance No. 2011-02 to make 4 east locations by The Landing Resort as permanent buoys; motion carried.

An AGENT CHANGE for Sisko’s Resort to Erin Lillyroot was approved by Laura Rusk; 2nd Kay Ryan; motion carried.

Judy Niccum, secretary of the Sawyer County Snowmobile & ATV Alliance requested an ATV ROUTE be granted for Gardner Road and Sandy Point Road.  Petitions were signed my most of the residence on those roads.  Kay was concerned that all residents have not been contacted.  Jim Dier made a motion to approve an ATV/UTV route for Gardner and Sandy Point Road; 2nd Laura Rusk; motion carried.  This will be revisited after one year to see how it affects everyone.  The Board also ask that an ‘End of Route’ sign be put up at Sandy Point Lane.

BROADBAND EXPANSION GRANT– Jim reported that in mid June Don Selmer indicated that Century Link has two (2) systems to be activated at some point this Spring/Summer, one with phone exchange 462 and the other 634.   Don cautioned that he didn’t think they were planning any further expansion into our area.   Jim called Century Link’s office to talk to someone regarding the broadband expansion, but was unable to find the proper person to discuss Broadband and finally just gave up.  He spoke with Randy Mumnier from Bevcom who said they have increased capacity in the Chief Lake area and have no further plans for our area beyond that.   He also said higher capacity is available in the 945 exchange, but at a higher cost.

Kay Ryan made a motion to approve the BARTENDER LICENSES for the period of July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 for all bartenders on contingent that one person supply an application with her signature; 2nd Jim Dier; motion carried.

Kay Ryan made a motion to approve all Liquor and Beer license renewals for the period of July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018; 2nd Jim Dier; motion carried.

The Clerk presented an EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN that was approved on a motion from Jim Dier; 2nd Laura Rusk; motion carried.

Dan Yankowiak updated the Board on the FLINT/ANDERSON house being moved on property off Dun Rovin Road.

Kay Ryan made a motion to APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS AND PAYROLL for checks #16361 to #16374 & electronic payments from 05/11/2017 to 06/14/2017 for a total expenditure of $36,769.07; 2nd Jim Dier; motion carried.

The Chair announced the meeting is adjourned at 6:55 p.m.

Patricia Swaffield, Clerk