MONTHLY BOARD MEETING – January 13, 2016

MONTHLY BOARD MEETING – January 13, 2016
Chairman Laura Rusk called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.; all members present. The minutes of the December 9, 2015 Board meeting were approved as presented on a motion from Kay Ryan; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:
11/30/15 Bank Statement Balance $87,615.25
Less 1 Outstanding Checks $ 50.00
Beginning 12/01/15 Check Book Balance $87,565.25

December Bank Statement Activity
Deposits $ 1,951.04
Interest Earned $ 5.22
Checks Cleared -$20,957.17
12/31/15 Bank Statement Balance $68,614.34
Less 1 Outstanding Checks -$ 830.00
Ending 12/31/15 Check Book Balance $67,784.34

MMDA Account Beginning Balance $ 41,995.00                     General Fund ($3,877.15)
Deposits $318,441.88                                                                     Building Fund $27,334.00
Interest Earned $ 14.04                                                                 Highway Fund $11,062.00
Debit for Payroll -$ 7,475.19
Debit Fee -$ 15.00
Ending 12/31/15 Bank Statement Balance $352,960.73

Total All Accounts $420,745.07

The Treasures report was approved as presented by Kay Ryan; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; motion carried
ROAD REPORT – continuing to plow and salt/sand town roads. All resident and non-resident driveway contracts have been plowed twice. Started brushing low hanging branches with pole saw that were hitting the equipment.
The Clerk alerted the board that the 2008 FORD TRUCK is starting to cost quite a bit for repairs. The Board said to see how the truck performs this winter and make a decision on a possible replacement next year.
The TOWN HALL COMPUTER is no longer working and the Board decided not to replace it at this time.
Lee Wilmsen made a motion to increase Reid Miller’s hourly wage from $17 to $18 an hour effective 1/11/2016; 2nd Kay Ryan; motion carried.
Kay Ryan made a motion to APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS AND PAYROLL for checks #16039 to #16064 & electronic payments from 12/10/2015 to 01/13/2016 for a total expenditure of $321,166.42; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:48 p.m. on a motion from Kay Ryan; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; motion carried.
Patricia Swaffield, Clerk