MONTHLY BOARD MEETING – February 10, 2016

MONTHLY BOARD MEETING – February 10, 2016
Chair Laura Rusk called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.; all members present. The minutes of the January 13, 2016 Board meeting were approved with an amendment to the Treasurer report on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Kay Ryan; motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:
12/31/15 Bank Statement Balance $68,614.34
Less 1 Outstanding Checks -$ 830.00
Beginning 01/01/16 Check Book Balance $67,784.34

January Bank Statement Activity
Deposits $ 22,327.24
Transfer In $303,276.72
Interest Earned $ 10.36
Checks Cleared -$332,646.52
Less Service Charge/Debits $ 0.00
01/31/16 Bank Statement Balance $ 61,582.14
Less 1 Outstanding Checks -$ 237.10
Ending 01/31/16 Check Book Balance $ 61,345.04

MMDA Account Beginning Balance $352,960.73           General Fund $3,706.66
Deposits $791,972.58                                                             Building Fund $27,334.00
Interest Earned $ 103.62                                                      Highway Fund $11,062.00
Transfer Out -$303,276.72
Ending 01/31/16 Bank Statement Balance $841,760.21

Total All Accounts $903,105.25

The Treasures report was approved as presented by Kay Ryan; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; motion carried
ROAD REPORT – plowing of roads and driveways continue. Brushing with pole saw and clearing fallen trees from roadways.
The 2015 CASH AUDIT was discussed and approved on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Kay Ryan; motion carried.
A BARTENDER LICENSE for Brian Larson was approved on a motion from Laura Rusk; 2nd Kay Ryan; motion carried.
The Board discussed the 2008 FORD TRUCK REPAIRS. Timber Ford gave us a $4,000 plus estimate for a new transmission.
Kay Ryan made a motion to APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS AND PAYROLL for checks #16064 to #16077 & electronic payments from 01/14/2016 to 02/10/2016 for a total expenditure of $25,774.50; 2nd Laura Rusk; motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:31 p.m. on a motion from Kay Ryan; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; motion carried.
Patricia Swaffield, Clerk