MONTHLY BOARD MEETING – January 12, 2022

MONTHLY BOARD MEETING – January 12, 2022

Chair Laura Rusk called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.; present were Laura Rusk, Patty Swaffield, Cindy Gutsch and Jim Dier via teleconference.

The minutes from the December 8, 2021 Monthly Board Meeting and the December 28, 2021 Special meeting were reviewed; no changes were heard; minutes approved.

 Treasurer’s Report:

$160,007.20    11/30/21 Bank Statement Balance
$    1,901.00-   Less 4 Outstanding Checks
$       601.00    Voided Check #17278
$158,707.20    12/01/21 Beginning Check Book Balance

December Bank Statement Activity
$    2,385.10    Deposits
$  55,000.00-   Transfer to MMDA Fund Accounts
$    2,000.00    Transfer from MMDA ARPA Fund
$102,103.69-   Checks Cleared
$           2.82   Interest
$    7,291.43   12/31/2021 Bank Statement Balance
$    4,389.65–  Less 5 Outstanding Checks
$    2,901.78   12/31/2021 Ending Check Book Balance


$133,820.02   Beginning Balance
$  55,000.00    Transfer from Checking to Fund Accounts
$    2,000.00-   Transfer ARPA Funds to Checking
$522,007.51     2021 Tax Deposits
$       104.00    Dog License
$         21.16   Interest Earned
$708,952.69   12/31/2021 Ending Bank Statement Balance

$711,854.47   Total all Accounts

General Fund $4,939.87         Highway Fund $78,000.00      
Building Fund $10,000.00
Equipment Fund $60,000.00       ARPA Fund $33,901.31
Taxes $522,004.49   Overpaid Taxes $3.02   Dog License $104.00

Treasures report was reviewed; no changes were heard; Treasurers report approved.

ROAD REPORT:  Gary spent most of his time plowing and sanding the roads, also did equipment maintenance.

ZONING:  A Conditional Use Application from Trisha Smith was discussed for the purpose of constructing a 250 Communication Tower on Forest Road 319.  The application was previously approved by the Town of Hunter Comprehensive Planning Commission.  The State Statues has covered every aspect of this project.  Lee Larson was present via teleconference answered questions about the tower.  He said once they pass all the regulatory they hope to start construction by May or June.

MOTION: Moved by Ryan; 2nd Dier to approve the Condition Use Application from Trisha Smith to construct a 250-foot communication tower for high speed internet on Forest Road 319; all in favor; motion carried.


RICHARD BUSCH was present to discuss his DRIVEWAY VIOLATIONS.  He said the two driveways in question were already on the property when he bought it and was not aware he needed to get a permit to pave.  With the paving of the two driveways it changes the impervious surface. By not requesting a driveway permit when Richard added gravel and paved his driveway, he is in violation of the Town of Hunter Ordinance No. 2021-03.  Prior owners of his property are also in violation of Ordinance No. 2021-03 by creating a 2nd driveway onto the same town road. Laura will follow up with Jay Kozlowski to address the impervious surface violation to come into compliance.

There were a few people that left CAMPING TRAILERS on their property after December 1.  The County Zoning sent letters telling the owners to remove them, but it was not done.  The Board decided to let the trailers stay on the properties in question and send each of the violators a letter telling them their trailer must be removed by December 1 of each year or they would be fined by the County.


MOTION: Moved by Dier; 2nd by Ryan to approve amending ALCOHOL-RELATED LICENSE AND PREMIT FEE ORDINANCE NO. 2010-01 to update the fee schedule; all in favor; motion carried.

 MOTION: Moved by Ryan; 2nd by Dier to approve amending PUBLIC WORKS/TOWN ROADS ORDINANCE NO. 99-1 to include an item stating it is unlawful to plow, shovel or blow snow onto a Town Road or the Town right of Way, plus additional costs to be paid to the town for subsequent violations; all in favor; motion carried.

OLD ARROW RESORT:  An appeal was submitted to Sawyer County Zoning for the determination made by the zoning administrator that property owned by David Toczek is not considered a resort.   There are rental cabins on the property and it is being run as a business.  The property is currently zoned as RR1 so the Toczek’s need to apply for a re-zone to RR2 and then apply for a Condition Use Application to be in compliance.

Motion: Moved by Dier; 2nd Ryan that the Town of Hunter supports the appeal that the Zoning Administrators determination of Old Arrow Resort is incorrect because, it violates the intent of the ordinance.

MOTION: Moved by Ryan; 2nd by Dier to APPROVE PAYMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND PAYROLL for checks #17385 to #17416, electronic payments and account transfers from 12/09/2021 to 01/12/2022 for a total expenditure of $515,601.63; all in favor; motion carried.

The Chair ended the meeting at 6:20 p.m.

Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk