MONTHLY BOARD MEETING – December 12, 2018

MONTHLY BOARD MEETING – December 12, 2018

Chair Laura Rusk called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.; present were Laura Rusk, Kay Ryan, Jim Dier, Patty Swaffield and Cindy Gutsch.

The November 20, 2018 minutes were reviewed.  No changes were heard; minutes approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

$172,363.02    10/31/2018 Bank Statement Balance

$           0.00    Less 0 Outstanding Checks

$172,363.02    11/01/2018 Beginning Check Book Balance


November Bank Statement Activity

$  15,772.21    Deposits

$   -2,500.00    Transfer to MMDA

$         20.36    Interest Earned

$  -33,119.91   Checks Cleared

$152,535.68   11/30/2018 Bank Statement Balance

$      -346.75    Less 0 Outstanding Checks

$152,188.93    11/30/2018 Ending Check Book Balance


MMDA Account            

$         16.31    Beginning Balance

$    2,500.00    Transfer from Checking

$         15.00-   Service Charge

$             .39    Interest Earned                                                          General Fund $2,501.70

$    2,501.70    11/30/18 Ending Bank Statement Balance


$154,690.63    Total all Accounts


The Treasures report was reviewed.  No changes were heard; Treasurers report approved.

ROAD REPORT – We received preliminary approval for the Flowage Road loan from the Commissioners of Public Lands.  Our application will be placed on their agenda for consideration at the next available meeting, which should be the 3rd Tuesday in December.

ZONING – proposed amendments to the sawyer County Zoning Ordinance regarding A-1 & A-2 were approved on a motion from Jim Dier; 2nd Kay Ryan; motion carried.

MOTION:  AMEND 2019 BUDGET as follows:  increase Clerk Salary by $1.417 to $20,304 and Treasurer Salary by $689 to $9,877; decrease Highway Insurance by $250 to $11,500, decrease Highway Utilities by $439 to $5,561, decrease Highway Maintenance by $1,417 to $48,583.  Moved by Kay Ryan; 2nd by Jim Dier; motion carried.

No changes were made to ORDINANCE NO. 99-1 PUBLIC WORKS.

MOTION: APPROVE PAYMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND PAYROLL for checks #16688 to #16702 & electronic payments from 11/21/2018 to 12/12/2018 for a total expenditure of $75,764.59.  Moved by Jim Dier; 2nd Kay Ryan; motion carried.

The Chair ended the meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk