Chairman Len Eckerly called the monthly Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.; all members present. Lee Wilmsen made a motion with a 2nd from Laura Rusk to approve the September 10, 2014 Board meeting minutes as presented; motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
08/31/14 Bank Statement Balance $72,018.81
Less 4 Outstanding Checks –$ 1,847.88
Beginning 09/01/14 Check Book Balance $70,170.93
September Bank Statement Activity
Deposits $42,754.92
Interest Earned $ 4.00
Less Checks Cleared -$75,288.20
09/30/14 Bank Statement Balance $39,489.53
Less 4 Outstanding Checks –$ 3,128.24
Ending 08/30/14 Check Book Balance $36,361.29
MMDA Account Beginning Balance $53,454.35
Interest Earned $ 15.37 General Fund $18,855.72
Ending 09/30/14 Bank Statement Balance $53,469.72 $6,386 Trans. to Bldg Fund
Building Fund $34,614.00
Total All Accounts $89,831.01
Laura Rusk made a motion to approve the Treasures report as presented; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; motion carried.
ROAD REPORT – cleared trees off roads from high winds; mowing & brushing continues; in the process of getting bids from implement dealers for a new mower/brusher tractor; Scott Lake Road garbage pile is growing. Laura will call LCO to pick up garbage.
ASSESSOR CONTRACT – Doug Kurtzweil told the Board that the Wisconsin Department of Revenue has an unfunded mandate that all Towns’ assessment records must be converted into an electronic format by 2015. However, they will grant a one year extension. The records will remain the property of the municipality. Doug said the Town of Hunter will not meet the 2015 dead line. A complete revaluation should be done in the next 2 to 3 years, so, rather than putting old data in a new format, Doug suggested that the Town of Hunter request the extension to the year 2016 at which time he will do the complete revaluation. We are not out of compliance yet but will be in a year or two. Doug proposed a maintenance assessment for 2015 and a complete revaluation for 2016. The last complete revaluation was 2009. Doug’s requested a salary of $13,000 in 2015 and $52,000 in 2016 which was approved on a motion from Laura Rusk; 2nd Lee Wilmsen with a contingency in the contract that if the extension is not approved by the Dept. of Revenue the revaluation will not be done in 2016 so his pay will be $13,000 for that year; motion carried.
Due to the unexpected highway and Treasurer costs the BUDGET WAS AMENDED as follows on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Laura Rusk:
Reduce Clerk Office Expense by $700, Highway Maintenance $16,200 and Highway Equipment Outlay $11,600. Increase Treasurer Expense by $700, Town Hall Utilities $60, Highway Salary $14,000, Highway Utilities $1,000, International $1,600, 2008 Ford $1,900, Front End Loader $3,855, Tractor $1,700 and Highway Equipment Outlay $3,745: motion carried.
Todd Schroeder from Baribeau Implement Co. was present to discuss his bid for a NEW TRACTOR FOR MOWING TOWN ROADS. He said with the price increases he is seeing a
Tractor bought a year from now would be $17,000 to $20,000 more.
He compared the Case Tractor to John Deer and said the Case is heavier, less maintenance, a better cut and all around better built. Ty was asked which he preferred and he said the Case. Todd said we could get financing through them to extend payments out on a dollar buy out lease program. Otherwise he could price out a lower end tractor to reduce the cost if necessary.
The Clerk presented an ordinance for the destruction of Town records. This ordinance must be in place before requesting approval to destroy old records from the Wisconsin Historical Society.
Lee Wilmsen made a motion to approve ORDNANCE NO. 2014-01, DESTRUCTION OF OBSOLETE RECORDS; 2nd Laura Rusk; motion carried.
There are 91 SNOWPLOW CONTRACTS so far. A motion was made by Lee Wilmsen to approve 90 contracts; 2nd Laura Rusk; motion carried. Approval of one contract is pending compliance on widening the driveway.
The Clerk discussed Town Roads that do not have SPEED LIMIT SIGNS. The Board decided that the shorter roads do not need one. Signs will be posted at Beaver Creek Road, Fiorelli Road and Hay Creek Road.
The EMPLOYEE REVIEW DATE will be Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at 9:00 a.m.
The BUDGET WORK SHOP will be Monday, October 20, 2014 at 3:30 p.m.
Lee Wilmsen made a motion to APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS AND PAYROLL for checks #15615 to #15647 from 09/11/2014 to 10/08/2014 for a total expenditure of $24,847.00; 2nd Laura Rusk; motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Laura Rusk; motion carried.
Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk