Chairman Len Eckerly called the monthly Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.; all members present. Laura Rusk made a motion with a 2nd from Lee Wilmsen to approve the July 9, 2014 Board meeting minutes as presented; motion carried. The July 24, 2014 Special Meeting minutes were approved with an amendment on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Laura Rusk; motion carried. The amendment was to remove Total Asphalt’s total quote of $9,944.
Treasurer’s Report:
06/30/14 Bank Statement Balance $ 85,938.62
Less 0 Outstanding Checks –$ 0.00
Beginning 07/01/14 Check Book Balance $ 85,938.62
July Bank Statement Activity
Deposits $ 29,338.40
Transfer In $
Interest Earned $ 6.68
Less Checks Cleared -$ 1,575.77
07/31/14 Bank Statement Balance $ 98,349.49
Less 2 Outstanding Checks –$ 1,575.77
Ending 07/31/14 Check Book Balance $ 96,773.72
MMDA Account Beginning Balance $ 53,422.58
Interest Earned $ 15.88 General Fund $25,210.46
Ending 07/31/14 Bank Statement Balance $ 53,438.46 Building Fund $28,228.00
Total All Accounts $152,212.18
Laura Rusk made a motion to approve the Treasures report as presented; 2nd Lee Wilmsen motion carried.
ROAD REPORT – Diggers Hot Line was out to mark Conger Road for the installation of a culvert. The culvert will be purchased through someone Randy Dennis knows and then billed to the Town.
Lee Wilmsen made a motion with a 2nd by Laura Rusk to not issue DRIVEWAY PERMITS on access roads; motion carried.
Bill Hoppin was present to discuss SNOWPLOWING for the Town. He will be available to plow as of November 1, 2014. He has a current CDL license. Lee Wilmsen made a motion to hire Bill Hoppin as a part time snowplow driver; 2nd Laura Rusk; motion carried. Other available drivers so far will be Bill Rusk, Butch Stone and Tim Anderson.
Laura Rusk made a motion to APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS AND PAYROLL for checks #15542 to #15577 from 07/10/2014 to 08/13/2014 for a total expenditure of $17,053.38; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:48 p.m. on a motion Rusk; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; motion carried.
Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk