MONTHLY BOARD MEETING – January 14, 2015

MONTHLY BOARD MEETING – January 14, 2015
Chairman Len Eckerly called the monthly Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.; all members present.  The minutes of the December 10, 2014 Board meeting were approved as presented on a motion from Laura Rusk; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
11/30/14 Bank Statement Balance                             $  7,101.35
Less 1 Outstanding Checks                                       –$      20.00
Beginning 12/01/14 Check Book Balance                 $ 36,581.35

December Bank Statement Activity
Deposits                                                          $  3,688.54
Interest Earned                                               $         1.94
Checks Cleared                                              -$  13,84.84
12/31/14 Bank Statement Balance                 $  21,943.99
Less 2 Outstanding Checks                           –$    1,676.00
Ending Check Book Balance                          $  20,267.99

MMDA Account Beginning Balance                         $  35,498.59       General Fund $919.51
Interest Earned                                               $       34.92       Building Fund $34,614.00
Dog License                                                    $      111.00       Tax Collections $342,742.94
Tax Collections                                              $342,631.94
Ending 12/31/14 Bank Statement Balance     $378,276.45
Total All Accounts                                                    $398,544.44

Lee Wilmsen made a motion to approve the Treasures report as presented; 2nd Laura Rusk; motion carried.
The Chairman asked if the AGENDA WAS POSTED.  The Clerk answered ‘yes’.
ROAD REPORT – Town and Forestry roads have been plowed of snow and ice; salt/sanding where necessary; the driveways have been plowed 3 times this season.
The Clerk presented a BARTENDER LICENSE FOR JAY WEIGEN that was approved on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Laura Rusk; motion carried.
No new SNOWPLOW CONTRACTS.  We will not accept any more contracts this season.
Lonnie Hillman has been selling our garbage stickers for a number of years without compensation.  Lee Wilmsen make a motion to award LONNIE HILLMAN a $50 Hayward Chamber gift certificate annually commencing this year; 2nd Laura Rusk; motion carried.
One of the benefits for a Town of Hunter full time employee is for three day funeral leave with pay.  The Board feels that the employee should be able to use those three days before or after the death of a relative.  Currently the EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK states for funeral leave only.  Updating of the Handbook was tabled until the February meeting; Laura Rusk will come up with the proper wording.
Travis Holte from the DNR issued a Notice of Non-Compliance for seasonal boat shelter placement on a property owned by ERNEST HARPER JR.  This is regarding a BOAT LIFT that has not been removed from the water.  Residents must first obtain a permit from the DNR to keep a boat lift in the water all year long.  The Clerk contacted Travis regarding this issue and he asked if the Board would consider writing a letter to Mr. Harper asking him to remove the boat lift.  The Board decided not to get involved and stated that the DNR should follow up on this issue.
Names were DRAWN FOR PLACEMENT OF CHAIRMAN ON THE SPRING BALLOT.  Len Eckerly will be first and Chris Robson will be second.
The Clerk asked the Board if it would be okay to use the Town computer to do the PAYROLL FOR THE CHIPPEWA FLOWAGE AREA PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOC. in case they do not have their own computer in time for the summer payroll season.  The Board denied the request.
Len told the Board he submitted expenses for the SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 STORM that caused so much damage to the area.  The expenses in the amount of $2,628.02 were for Ty’s overtime and the cost of using our equipment for cleanup.  We were awarded 70% of that in the amount of $1,839.61 from the State of Wisconsin Disaster Fund.
Laura Rusk made a motion to APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS AND PAYROLL for checks #15705 to #15745 from 12/11/2014 to 01/14/2015 for a total expenditure of $343,474.40; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; motion carried.
The Clerk reported the $65,000 loan for the new mower will be effective 02/01/2015 with the first quarterly payment due 05/01/2015.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:46 p.m. on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Laura Rusk; motion carried.
Patricia Swaffield, Clerk