The meeting was called to order by Chair Rusk at 10:00 a.m. Board members present were Laura Rusk, Dennis Clagett, Doug Kurtzweil, Cheryl Treland and Nita Kemp.

Two people attended the meeting along with Adam and Steve Bodenschatz representing Pinewood Properties LLC.

The MINUTES OF THE MARCH 2, 2021 meeting were approved on a motion from Treland; 2nd Kemp; all in favor; motion carried.

A Rezone Application was received from Pinewood Properties LLC for the purpose of changing approximately 15.53 acres Residential/Recreational One (RR-1) to Residential/Recreational Two (RR-2).  With granting of a rezone to RR-2 the owners would then apply for a Conditional Use Permit for a Resort and Campground expansion.  This application was a modified version of a prior application heard at the March 2, 2021 meeting.

There were 3 opinion letters sent; 2 returned with objections, 1 with no abjection.  There was one objection letter sent from Richard Uihlein’s attorney.

Adam and Steve Bodenschatz presented the revised REZONE request.  They stated that there would be some sites eliminated towards Dalene Maske’s property. Steve said they do not have the number of guests to justify building a new lodge at this time.

The DNR sent a Draft Notice of Violation letter concerning deed covenants.  They sent a request to Xcel Energy asking for any more input.  If there is no additional restrictions the DNR will enforce the following items:

The owners agree to:

  • Immediately discontinue all clearing and grading outside of the allotted 30-foot access corridor.
  • Within 90 days, plant sufficient native tree and shrub species in the cleared areas outside of the allotted 30-foot access corridor to restore a natural appearance within the 100-foot buffer zone.
  • Within 90 days, remove all existing structures within the 100-foot buffer zone, except for those that were on the site prior to the 1989 recording of the covenants.
  • Within 90 days, remove all electric panels and water hookups that are found within the 100-foot buffer zone.

Steve said he realizes they have to comply with the DNR but would ask for a variance on these requirements.

Kurtzweil & Clagett were uncomfortable with approving the rezone and CUP until Adam complies with the DNR and asked if the decisions on the applications could be tabled for 30 days.  The rest of the Board decided there is no reason to table.

MOTION: Moved by Treland and 2nd by Kemp to approve Pinewood Properties LLC rezone request to change approximately 15.53 acres from RR-1 to RR-2; 3 in favor; 2 opposed; motion carried

 A Conditional Use Application for Pinewood Properties LLC for an additional 37 new campsites for a total of 71 sites was heard.  This CUP is subject to RZN #21-005 from RR-1 to RR-2.

Ten of these sites were added in 2020 without a permit.  They are currently under a a cease and desist order from the County.
If Pinewood Properties is forced to move back then there would be less than 71 campsites.

MOTION: Moved by Treland and 2nd by Kemp to approve the Conditional Use Application for Pinewood Properties to have a maximum of 71 campsites on 15.53 acres of land and that it would meet or exceed all the DNR regulations and requirements to have said Resort/RV Park/Campground on the property and all Sawyer County and State regulations.

Discussion on the motion by Rusk is to add that nothing is to begin until the completion of the obligations required to become compliant with the covenants.  Also, under the condition that the CUP is as presented and not to exceed 71 campsites and no reconfiguration of the plans presented to accomplish the goal if it can’t be done by meeting the covenants.

MOTION amended by Treland to include the conditions outlined by Rusk; 2nd Kemp; 3 in favor; 2 opposed; motion carried.

The meeting ended at 11:00 a.m.
Patricia R. Swaffield, Secretary