The meeting was called to order by Chair Rusk at 10:00 a.m. Board members present via teleconferencing were Laura Rusk, Dennis Clagett, Doug Kurtzweil. Members present in person were Cheryl Treland and Nita Kemp and Patty Swaffield.
Kay Ryan was present via teleconferencing.
MOTION: Moved by Treland; 2nd by Kurtzweil to approve the MINUTES OF THE MAY 11, 2021 meeting; 5 in favor, 0 apposed; motion carried.
A CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION from Trisha Smith for CONSTRUCTION OF A COMMUNICATION TOWER FOR HIGH SPEED INTERNET to be located on Forest Road 319 was discussed. Laura talked to Jay Kozlowski from Sawyer County Zoning and he directed her to Wis. Statute 66.0404 regarding Mobile Tower Siting Regulations. Jay said we would be hard pressed to deny this CUP unless there were surrounding properties that could be affected by a tower that was not self-collapsing.
MOTION: Moved by Clagett; 2nd by Treland to approve the Conditional Use Permit for Trisha Smith. Discussion on the motion by Rusk saying the Board did not have access to the Opinion letters before the meeting. There may be concerns that are not covered in the State Statue.
MOTION AMMENDED by Clagett; 2nd by Treland to approve the Conditional Use Permit with the caveat that the Board has an opportunity to review the opinion letters and can change their decision based on that; 4 in favor; 1 opposed; motion carried.
Laura stated she did not think the Town of Hunter Chair should also be the Chair of the Comprehensive Planning Board and asked someone to replace her.
MOTION: Moved by Rusk; 2nd by Treland to approve Nita Kemp as the TOWN OF HUNTER COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING CHAIR; 5 in favor; 0 opposed; motion carried.
The Town of Hunter’s Comprehensive Plan is due to be updated. Phil Nies and Northwest Regional Planning will help update the plan. Nita said Jason Lauman from NWRP could possibly help as well.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE will be Doug Kurtzweil, Cheryl Treland, Laura Rusk, Kay Ryan, Nita Kemp and Dennis Clagett.
An organizational meeting is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, January 4, 2022 at 10:00 at the Town Hall. This meeting is subject to change if Phil Nies is unable to attend.
The meeting ended at 11:30 a.m.
Patricia R. Swaffield, Secretary