SPECIAL MEETING – July 31, 2023

Town of Hunter

The Special Meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chair Rusk.  Present via Teleconference were Laura Rusk, Jim Dier, Dennis Clagett and Patty Swaffield present at the Town Hall.

The purpose of the meeting was to approve securing a loan to repair damaged Town Hall panels.

MOTION: Moved by Rusk; 2nd by Dier to approve SECURING AN $80,000.00 PROMISORY NOTE from Frandsen Bank & Trust to repair the Town Hall per Hill Construction bid and said note will be signed for by the entire Town of Hunter Board; all in favor; motion carried.

 MOTION: Moved by Clagett; 2nd by Dier to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2023-02 TOWN HALL PROMISSORY NOTE; all in favor; motion carried.

Meeting ended at 5:45

Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk