MONTHLY BOARD MEETING – October 12, 2016
Chair Laura Rusk called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.; all members present.
The minutes of the September 14, 2016 Board meeting were approved as presented by Jim Dier; 2nd
Kay Ryan; motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
08/31/16 Bank Statement Balance $ 77,512.25
Less 0 Outstanding Checks –$ 0.00
Beginning 09/01/16 Check Book Balance $ 77,512.25
September Bank Statement Activity
Deposits $ 26,991.80
Interest Earned $ 5.30
Checks Cleared -$ 15,332.97
09/30/16 Bank Statement Balance $ 89,176.38
Less 4 Outstanding Checks –$ 517.83
Ending 09/30/16 Check Book Balance $ 88,658.55
MMDA Account Beginning Balance $ 87,681.26 General Fund $4,299.68
Interest Earned $ 14.42 Highway Fund $56,062.00
Ending 09/30/16 Bank Statement Balance $ 87,685.38 Building Fund $27,334.00
Total All Accounts $176,354.23
The Treasures report was approved as presented by Kay Ryan; 2nd Jim Dier motion carried
ROAD REPORT – Sawyer County did wedge patches and a full overlay on three parts of River Road that were deteriorating. Cut down many problem and bowing trees along the town roads. Started brushing. The TRIP FUNDS will be applied for in 2017. In the mean time we will obtain bids to replace 3 culverts and add 2 new ones on Woodland Drive in preparation to re-construction.
ZONING – a three year renewal of conditional use permit #02-023 for Judith Harris for the location/operation of a non-metallic mineral extraction, sand and fill was approved on a motion from Kay Ryan; 2nd Jim Dier; motion carried.
A motion was made by Jim Dier with a 2nd by Kay Ryan to EXEMPT THE TREASURER from bonding.
A new RESOLUTION NO. 2016-02 – EXEMPTION FROM TREASURER’S BOND and Rescind Resolution No. 99-03 was approved on a motion from Jim Dier; 2nd Kay Ryan; motion carried.
The ASSESSOR CONTRACT for 2017 and 2018 was not approved yet. The contract amount will be at the discretion of the Town Board and will be finalized at the November meeting.
The LCO FIRE DEPARTMENT currently does not have a fire chief and has not been responding to fire calls in the Town of Hunter since before April 2016. Kay Ryan made a motion to hold payment of their 2% Fire Dues until further investigation and also obtain legal advice; 2nd Jim Dier; motion carried.
Kay Ryan made a motion to APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS AND PAYROLL for checks #16211 to #16230 & electronic payments from 09/14/2016 to 10/12/2016 for a total expenditure of $21,692.06; 2nd Jim Dier; motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m. on a motion from Kay Ryan; 2nd Jim Dier; motion carried.
Patricia Swaffield, Clerk