Chair Laura Rusk called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.; present were Laura Rusk, Kay Ryan, Jim Dier, Patty Swaffield and via teleconferencing Cindy Gutsch.
The February 10, 2021 Monthly Board Meeting minutes were reviewed; no changes were heard; minutes approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
$ 80,382.89 01/31/2021 Bank Statement Balance /
$ 812.64- Less 1 Outstanding Checks
$ 79,570.25 02/01/2021 Beginning Check Book Balance
February Bank Statement Activity
$ 9,467.86 Deposits
$1,016,249.06 Transfer from MMDA – Feb Settlement
$1,042,742.81- Checks Cleared
$ 3.55 Interest
$ 63,360.55 02/26/2021 Bank Statement Balance
$ 377.99- Less 4 Outstanding Checks
$ 62.982.56 02/26/2021 Ending Check Book Balance
$1,042,173.65 Beginning Balance
$ 57.73 Interest Earned
$ 140,501.05 2020 Tax & Overpaid Deposits
$1,016,249.06- Transfer to Checking – Feb Settlement
$ 16.00- Return Check Fees
$ 4.00- Return Deposit Fee
$ 199.73- NSF Check Returned
$ 79.00 Dog License
$ 166,342.64 02/26/2021 Ending Bank Statement Balance
$229,325.20 Total all Accounts
The Treasures report was reviewed; no changes were heard; Treasurers report approved.
ROADS: Reid received approval for Tractor Tire purchase and 1,000 yards of gravel from the Vitcenda pit at a cost of $8,000. He will be ordering cutting edges and skid shoes for the grader. Cost of all these items were included in the budget.
ZONING: Adam Bodenschatz reported via teleconference that Pinewood Properties LLC will be withdrawing their re-zone and CUP applications. He will be submitting a different plan for the May meeting.
MOTION: Moved by Ryan; 2nd Dier to accept the Pinewood Properties LLC re-zone and CUP withdrawal; all in favor; motion carried.
BIDS for replacing the GENERATOR were received from Northern Lakes Propane, Carlson Electric, Voyageur Electric and Northern Electric Services.
MOTION: Moved by Dier; 2nd Ryan to approve the Generator purchase from Northern Lakes Coop according to their purchase agreement they gave contingent on Jim checking with Jump River Electric that they will include everything we need to get this in operation; all in favor; motion carried.
Terry Gallagher from the Town of Winter sent a letter regarding PLASTIC WRAP, BAGS AND FILM DISPOSAL. The State of Wisconsin started a program called Wrap Recycling Action Program designed to keep plastic out of landfills. Jim will contact Terry for further information.
MOTION: Moved by Ryan; 2nd Dier to accept the COUDERAY VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022 in the amount of $5,000; all in favor; motion carried.
MOTION: Moved by Dier; 2nd Ryan to accept the ROUND LAKE FIRE PROTECTION AGREEMENT from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022 in the amount of $10,000; all in favor; motion carried.
MOTION: Moved by Rusk; 2nd Ryan to approve a DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. 2021-01 MOTORBOAT WAKE PROTECTION AREA; all in favor; motion carried. The draft will be sent to the Wisconsin DNR for approval and a final Town Board approval will be made at a later date.
MOTION: Moved by Ryan; 2nd Dier to APPROVE PAYMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND PAYROLL for checks #17196 to #17223, electronic payments and account transfers from 02/11/2021 to 03/10/2021 for a total expenditure of $1,046,735.34; all in favor; motion carried.
The Chair ended the meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk