Chair Laura Rusk called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.; present were Laura Rusk, Kay Ryan, Jim Dier, Patty Swaffield and Cindy Gutsch.
The March 10, 2021 Monthly Board Meeting minutes were reviewed; no changes were heard; minutes approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
$ 63,360.55 02/26/2021 Bank Statement Balance /
$ 377.99– Less 4 Outstanding Checks
$ 62,982.56 03/01/2021 Beginning Check Book Balance
March Bank Statement Activity
$ 2,410.40 Deposits
$ 68,503.60 Transfer from MMDA – Tax Levy
$ 40,458.83- Checks Cleared
$ 1.79 Interest
$ 93,817.51 03/31/2021 Bank Statement Balance
$ 3,994.86– Less 3 Outstanding Checks
$ 89,822.65 03/31/2021 Ending Check Book Balance
$166,342.64 Beginning Balance
$ 12.79 Interest Earned
$ 68,503.60– Transfer Tax Levy to Checking
$ 97,851.83 03/31/2021 Ending Bank Statement Balance
General Fund $4,851.83 – Highway Fund $43,000.00 – Equipment Fund $50,000.0
$187,674.48 Total all Accounts
Treasures report was reviewed; no changes were heard; Treasurers report approved.
ZONING: Sawyer County Ordinance Amendment of Section 6.6 Trailer Camps & Campgrounds was approved on a motion from Ryan; 2nd Dier; all in favor; motion carried.
MOTION: Moved by Dier; 2nd Ryan to approve ORDINANCE NO. 2021-01 MOTORBOAT WAKE PROTECTION AREA; all in favor; motion carried.
A copy of the ordinance and Wake Surfing report will be sent to the Chippewa Flowage Resort Association to inform their guests. The Chippewa Flowage Area Property Owners Association will send to their members.
Jim researched companies that would possibly collect PLASTIC BAGS for recycling, but so far has not been able to find any. He will prepare wording for a handout and email blast to suggest returning bags to the stores that have a container specifically for the plastic bags.
ROAD TOUR DATE is set for May 20, 2021 at 8:30.
The first BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING will convene May 12, 202 at 4:55 p.m. then adjourn to a future date.
The TOWN OF RADISSON sent a letter asking if we would consider sending a donation to help offset the cost of a new dock at the Blueberry Lake boat landing. This was tabled for further information.
The Clerk reported that WISCONSIN ACT 21 was signed into law allowing INTOXICATING LIQUOR BY THE GLASS be sold for consumption off the premises. Towns are not required to honor this act.
MOTION: Moved by Ryan and 2nd by Dier to include the Act 21 law change in our liquor ordinance; all in favor; motion carried.
The Board will ask Reid to look into UPGRADING THE GARAGE LIGHTING.
A notice and ordinance is being prepared for RECORDS REQUESTS. The Clerk asked the Board the amount of fees to charge for large and time-consuming requests. We will charge $.50 per page and $35 – $50 per hour, depending on the length of time it takes to gather the information.
MOTION: Moved by Dier; 2nd Ryan to APPROVE PAYMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND PAYROLL for checks #17224 to #17245, electronic payments and account transfers from 03/11/2021 to 04/14/2021 for a total expenditure of $42,447.90; all in favor; motion carried.
The Chair ended the meeting at 6:25 p.m.
Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk