Chair Laura Rusk called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 5:45 p.m.; present were Laura Rusk, Mark Phillips, Dennis Clagett, Cindy Gutsch and Patty Swaffield.
MOTION: Moved by Rusk; 2nd by Phillips to move the discussion of a 2024 End Loader Purchase as the first under New Business and all other items approved as is; all in favor by a 3-0 vote; motion carried.
The October 9, 2024 Monthly Board Meeting and the October 29, 2024 Special Meeting minutes were reviewed; no changes were heard; minutes approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
$107,476.12 09/30/2024 Bank Statement Balance
$ -109.52 Less 2 Outstanding Checks
$107,366.60 10/01/2024 Beginning Check Book Balance
October Bank Statement Activity
$ 32,879.55 Deposits
$ -15,655.83 Checks Cleared
$ 1.06 Interest
$124,700.90 10/31/2024 Bank Statement Balance
$ -609.52 Less 2 Outstanding Checks
$124,091.38 10/31/2024 Ending Check Book Balance
$ 86,373.61 Beginning Balance General Fund $16,377.28
$ 3.67 Interest Highway Fund $60,000.00
$ 86,377.28 10/31/2024 Ending Balance Building Fund $10,000.00
$210,468.66 Total all Accounts
Treasures report was reviewed; no changes were heard; Treasurers report approved.
ROAD REPORT: Gary worked on the River Road reconstruction; hauled gravel to Venison Creek and graded all gravel roads; put up “No Parking Signs” for the winter; serviced the International; worked on outside Hall walls.
Tristan Chatterton from JOHN DEERE presented a Quote to purchase a 2024 JOHN DEERE END LOADER. The quote is $203,500 for the End Loader, $19,500 for a FALLS plow; trade in of $75,000 for a purchase price of $148,000.
MOTION: Moved by Rusk; 2nd by Phillips to purchase the 2024 End Loader as proposed with a delivery date no earlier than December 9, 2024; all in favor on a 3-0 vote; motion carried.
MOTION: Moved by Clagett; 2nd by Phillips to ADOPT THE 2025 BUDGET; all in favor by a 3-0 vote; motion carried.
REPUBLIC SERVICES sent HAULING PERMITS for residential and commercial solid waste collection during the spring road ban period. The Board felt it would be a risk for more damage to the roads by allowing Republic to travel on our roads during that time. The permits will not be honored.
At the October meeting NORVADO asked for a Resolution of support for their Broadband grant.
MOTION: Moved by Clagett; 2nd by Phillips to approve REOLUTION NO. 2024-04 In Support of Norvado’s Application for the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment Program Grant; all in favor on a 3-0 vote; motion carried.
MOTION: Moved by Clagett; 2nd by Phillips to AMEND RESOLUTION NO. 2021-01 Motorboat Wake Protection Area; all in favor on a vote of 3-0; motion carried.
A minimum depth of 30 feet was added Section 8 of the resolution.
MOTION: Moved by Phillips; 2nd by Clagett to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2024-05 20-Day Extension to Disapprove Sawyer County Ordinance Amendments; all in favor on a vote of 3-0; motion carried.
The Town of Hunter has SIGNS ON OUR RIGHT-OF-WAY for businesses that do not exist anymore or do not have permits. We will work with the County to request the owners of the signs to remove them.
MOTION: Moved by Clagett; 2nd by Phillips to APPROVE PAYMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND PAYROLL for the period of 10/10/2024 to 11/13/2024; all in favor by a 3-0 vote; motion carried. Total expenditures were $123,362.87.
The meeting ended at 6:38 p.m.
Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk