Place: Hunter Town Hall
Leonard Eckerly called meeting to order
Time: 6:33 pm
Present: Douglas Kurtzweil, Leonard Eckerly, Cheryl Treland,
Steve George, Jackie Eckerly (secretary)
Absent: Mic Isham
Guest: No one represented Wm. Metcalf
Minutes: A motion to approve the March, 2010 minutes made by Steve and 2nd by Cheryl. Motion carried. The May minutes were read and a motion to approve made by Cheryl and 2nd by Doug.
Motion carried.
Town of Hunter – William Metcalf etux etal. Lot 1, being part of Gov't lot 2, S4,T39N, R7W: Parcel: 2.15.
0.46 acres. Document # 337199: CSM Volume 9 page 40 and 101. Property is zoned Residential/Recreational One. Application is for the construction of a 12' x 26' addition onto an existing structure where the closest part of the structure (the deck) is 30' to the to the ordinary high water mark of Blueberry Lake. Variance is requested as Section 4.421(2)(a), Sawyer County Zoning Ordinance would require the prior granting of a variance for any expansion of the dwelling as it is located less than 40' to the ordinary high water mark of the lake.
Items discussed are listed below:
1. Non-conforming lot (2) houses on a 102.17' lot.
2. (2) houses on (1) septic system.
A) Sanitarian Eric Wellauer checked septic records and since 1967 nothing has been changed to the system.
B) See attached sheet for septic history (tank has only 500 gal capacity for (4) bedrooms between the (2) houses). See sketch for septic tank location.
3. Eric checked for building permits for this lot. Allen & Kathleen Metcalf (Red House) had only one building permit issued approximately 1997 to add to the back side (away from the lake). There was no permit to add a deck towards the lake when the cabin was only 30' from the ordinary high water mark of the lake. Items #1 thru #3 need to be corrected whether or not a variance is approved or denied.
4. The cabin has been used for years as is, and a larger family does not cause a hardship.
The granting of this variance would conflict with the properties of this neighborhood, as all other lots are single houses. It also would conflict with harm to public interest, because the entire lot drains towards the lake. Granting the variance would allow multiple variances in that we have 2 units grand fathered in and they are non conforming and closer then the required set backs. It appears there would be pollution problems with drainage to the lake and erosion. It would be detrimental to the ecology and shoreline. Granting this variance would be for the convenience of the owner. Also it would not create a hardship if this variance were not granted.
A motion was made by Doug and 2nd by Steve to deny this variance. A vote was taken as follows: Cheryl Treland no, Steve George yes, Doug Kurtzweil yes, Leonard Eckerly abstained. He did not want to influence the Town Board as he his the Town Chairman. The Commission recommends the above conditions and it will be presented to the Town Board as a denial.
A motion was made by Doug to adjourn the meeting, second by Cheryl. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm.
Minutes taken by Jackie Eckerly. These minutes will also appear on the Hunter Web Page.
Next Meeting will be on July 6th at 6:30 PM if needed at the Town Hall.
Page 1 of 1 Property History
Property Information
Property ID 012739045215 (tracking #)
Site Address 11217W PINE KNOll RD
Couderay, WI
Service Statistics
Total Service Events (To Date) 2 pumps
Last Pumped 272 days ago
Average Between Pumps 1562 days
Service History – 1 Year
Date Entered Gallons Report Type
Recorded By or Comments
Date Serviced Pumped Disposal Site
9/2/2009 3:44 PM 500 Northwest Sanitary, Inc DB/1A
8/27/2009 11 :45 AM ——
Using: Data Import
Total Gallons Pumped=500