Minutes of May, 2010
Chairman Len Eckerly called the monthly Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.; all members present.
The minutes of the April 14, 2010 Board meeting were read by the Clerk and approved on made a motion from Gene Mittlestadt; 2nd Lee wilmsen; all in favor; motion carried. The minutes of the April 19, 2010 Road Tour meeting were read by the clerk and approved on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Gene Mittlesatd; all in favor; motion carried.
The TREASURER'S REPORT was read by the Treasurer as follows:
$ 54,785.65 – 03/31/10 Bank Statment Balance
$ 1,877.24 – Less 2 Outstanding Checks
$ 52,796.16 – 04/01/10 Beginning Check Book Balance
April Bank Statement Activity
$ 20,595.92 – Deposits
$ 56,796.16 – Transfer from MMDA
$ 45.13 – Interest Earned
$ 14,141.61 – Less Checks Cleared
$118,081.25 – 04/30/10 Bank Statement Balance
$ 50.00 – Less 2 Outstanding Checks
$118,031.25 – 04/30/10 Ending Check Book Balance
$ 73,119.74 – 03/31/10 Money Market Account Balance
$ 55.68 – Interest Earned
$ 56,796.16 – Transfer to Checking
$ 16,379.26 – 03/31/10 Bank Statement Balance
$134,410.51 – Total all Accounts
Fund Accounts
$ 4,323.57 – General Fund
$12,000.00 – Machinery Fund
$56,796.17 – Tax Collection Fund
The TREASRUER'S REPORT was approved as presented from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
ROAD REPORT – the rear passenger strobe light on the 2008 Ford was fixed; the county stated the DNR Fire status sign must be a minimum of 33' from the center line of CC and a minimum of 75' from the edge of Twin Bay Road; maintenance has been completed on the lawn mower; work is in process to resolve the 6 code violations outlined by OSHA; pot wholes have been black top patched from winter damage.
ZONING – a conditional use application was presented from John and Linda Badagliacco for the location & operation of a sandwich and pizza shop within an existing building for campground and resort patrons. Eight of the 11 Opinion letters were returned to the County, 7 with no objection, 1 with an objection. Trish Dougherty was present on behalf of John Badagalicco and provided a drawing showing how the building will look once all improvements are complete. She stated that most of their business will come from the campground. Chairman Eckerly asked for comments. Rick Ash from Big Musky spoke up against the bar saying that John broke a 5 year non-compete clause and that there should not be two bars 100 feet apart. Pat Dettloff also stated she was against opening another bar. Chairman Eckerly read a letter drafted and submitted by Mike and Judy Payne of Blueberry Lake Oasis. Mike said he and Judy have worked hard for the past 5 years to increase their business and John has tried numerous things to try and put them out of business. Supervisor Wilmsen felt they did not cover themselves with just a 5 year non-compete clause. He feels they have the right to serve food but does not feel comfortable including serving beer and wine. Steve George, Vice Chair of the Comprehensive Planning Commission said they approved the application with the following stipulations: hours will be 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., they can only sell beer and wine and the license will be in John Badagliacco's name only and not transferrable to any subsequent owner. The Planning Commission vote was 3 for and 1 abstention. Gene Mittlestadt made a motion to approve John and Linda Badagliacco's Conditional Use Application to start a sandwich and pizza shop; 2nd Len Eckerly; nay Lee Wilmsen.
Lee Wilmsen made a motion to approve putting up the DNR Fire Status sign; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
A BARTENDER LICENSE FOR KATHLEEN WARNER was presented and approved on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
A BEER AND WINE LICENSE FOR BLUEBERRY HILL RESORT WAS PRESENTED. Lee Wilmsen stated that the area can not support 2 bars that are so close together and it is not compatible with the surrounding uses and is not in favor of approving the license. Gene Mittlestadt made a motion to approve the Beer and Wine License for Blueberry Hill Resort; 2nd Len Eckerly; nay Lee Wilmsen.
ROAD WORK – the crack sealing estimate from Fahrner for 11,705 pounds in the amount of $12,524.35 was approved on a motion from Len Eckerly; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried. Len Eckerly made a motion to approve Monarch Paving's option 2 estimate which includes option 1 to patch Warner and River Road for $15,583.27; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; all in favor; motion carried.
Len Eckerly discussed the progress of correcting the OSHA VIOLATIONS. We have until June 1 to complete the necessary corrections.
Lee Wilmsen made a motion to approve DONATING $50 TO THE SAWYER COUNTY CHAPTER OF THE WIS. TOWNS ASSOCIATION; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
APROVAL OF CHECKS #13998 through #14023 was given for a total expenditure of $10,312.44. The meeting was adjourned at 8:03 p.m. on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
Patty Swaffield, Clerk