Minutes of Dec, 2007


Place: Hunter Town Hall

Time: 9:02am

Paul Ryan called meeting to order

Present: Paul Ryan, Chuck Block, Len Eckerly, Doug Kurtzweil, Don Robinson, Chris Jeffords, Cheryl Treland, Jackie Eckerly

A motion for approval of the minutes from the November 28th meeting was made by Len Eckerly and 2nd by Cheryl Treland, motion was carried.

A letter was written to the LCO asking that they send a representative to participate in our Comprehensive Planning Committee. They have responded and are sending gaiashkibos, TGB Member as their representative and the alternative is TGB Member, Gary Clause.

A survey was sent to the board members asking if the time and dates of the meeting should be changed. Majority said that Wednesday at 9:00 AM was the best time with one objection. Majority ruled and it stands at the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 9:00AM until further notice.

A review of the map was done with additional changes made. This will be sent to Sheldon Johnson upon completion.

Corrections were made to the grammar of the survey results and now should be ready too appear on our Web site by the end of the year. At least 20 copies will be made and kept at the Town Hall for those that don't have access to the web site.

The Public Participation Plan was reviewed and approved by the Town Board. This has been signed and was sent to Sheldon Johnson. This will also appear on the web site.


Our January agenda will be as follows:
1. Transportation
2. Utilities and Community Facilities
3. Issues and Opportunities that arise



Schedule of future meetings:
01-16-08 Wednesday 9:00 AM
03-12-08 Subject to change


A motion was made by Len Eckerly to adjourn the meeting second by Doug Kurtzweil. Meeting adjourned at 11:15 AM. Minutes taken by Jackie Eckerly

Next Meeting will be on January 16th at 9:00AM Town Hall. These minutes will also appear on the Web-Page.