Minutes of Jan., 2008
Chairman Len Eckerly called the monthly Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.; all member present. The Clerk read the minutes of the December Board meeting and were approved on a motion by Gene Mittlestadt; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; all in favor; motion carried. The minutes of the December 19, 2007 Special Meeting were read by the Clerk and approved on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
11/30/07 Bank Statement Balance..$68,735.02
Less 5 Outstanding Checks ………….$1.217.46
Beginning Check Book Balance……$67,517.56
December Bank Statement Activity
Interest Earned………………………………..$48.17
Checks Cleared…………………………$50,057.76
12/31/07 Bank Statement Balance…$21,175.24
Less 5 Outstanding Check……………..$1,941.79
Ending Check Book Balance………..$19,233.45
High Yield Account Beginning Balance….$88,534.80
Interest Earned……………………………………..$341.08
Ending Balance………………………………$557,170.91
Total all Accounts…………………………….$576,404.36
Break Down of High Yield Account
General Fund………$5,975.88
Machinery Fund…$66,800.00
Comp Plan Fund..$15,245.88
Tax Collections.$437,763.15
Lee Wilmsen made a motion to approve the Treasurer's report; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
ROAD REPORT – the International and Ford had several repairs done this month; we are conserving salt/sand due to the short supply at the County; the new truck is scheduled to be picked up on Jan 10, 2008.
COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING – Jackie Eckerly reported that the Survey is completed and on the web site. There will be an ad in the paper to Hunter residents stating that a copy is available at the Town Hall if they do not have computer access.
Lee Wilmsen made a motion to accept one new SNOWPLOW CONTRACT for a total of 178 to date; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
The Clerk presented a BARTENDER LICENSE for Terri Bosman and was approved on a motion from Gene Mittlestadt; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; all in favor; motion carried.
Gene Mittlestadt made a motion to increase the MILAGE RATE from 48.5¢ to 50.5¢; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; all in favor; motion carried.
Len Eckerly is in the process of renewing the radio license with the FCC. Parts are ordered for the Emergency Siren. Lee Wilmsen and Len Eckerly will continue to follow up on the LCO Fire Contract.
APPROVAL OF CHECKS #13004 to #13043 was given for a total expenditure of $81,725.52. The meeting was adjourned at 7:08 p.m. on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; all in favor; motion carried.
Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk