Minutes of June, 2008


Place: Hunter Town Hall

Paul Ryan called meeting to order

Time: 8:05am

Present: Chuck Block, Cheryl Treland, Chris Jeffords, gosh, Paul Ryan, Steve George
Doug Kurtzweil, Leonard Eckerly, Jackie Eckerly.

Absent: Don Robinson, Gerry Brodsky,

A motion for approval of the minutes from the May 21st meeting was made
by Cheryl and 2nd by Chuck, motion carried.

A fourth review of the Transportation Plan was done. Additional items need to be corrected and will be sent to Sheldon.  Additional Goals and Objectives were discussed, and changes were made. Everyone should think about the actions for transportation to be discussed at the next meeting.

A third review of the Utilities and Community Facilities Plan was discussed and further changes have been made.  There were items that were not changed and will be noted again. Objectives have been added and changes will be made to the draft.

The map and land use was talked about how to indicate the different classes of business. Everyone should look at the definitions of existing land use and condense it down between 5-8 items with description. This will be continued at the next meeting.

Our July agenda will be as follows:

1. 5th review Transportation Plan
2. Review the 3rd revision for Map for Land Use definitions down to 5-8 items
3. Demographic and Population  
4. Housing Goals and Objectives
5. Future meeting dates and time to be discussed

Schedule of future meetings:

08-19-08 TUESDAY 8:00AM


A motion was made by Gerry to adjourn the meeting, second by Cheryl.
Meeting adjourned at 11:04 am.
Minutes have been taped and taken by Jackie Eckerly. These minutes will also appear on the Hunter Web Page.

Next Meeting will be on July 15th at 8:00AM Town Hall.