Minutes of July, 2008
Chairman Len Eckerly called the monthly Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.; all members present. The minutes of the June Board meeting were read by the Clerk and approved as read on a motion from Gene Mittlestadt; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; all in favor; motion carried.
05/31/08 Bank Statement Balance..$58,892.44
Less 6 Outstanding Checks …………$17,403.23
Beginning Check Book Balance……$41,489.21
June Bank Statement Activity
Interest Earned………………………………..$36.27
Checks Cleared…………………………$23,658.55
06/30/08 Bank Statement Balance…$64,178.09
Less 6 Outstanding Check………………..$882.14
Ending Check Book Balance………..$63,295.95
High Yield Account Beginning Balance…$83,989.44
Interest Earned…………………………………….$150.28
Ending Balance………………………………..$67,003.11
Total all Accounts…………………………..$130,299.06
Break Down of High Yield Account
General Fund………$9,533.68
Machinery Fund…$27,974.46
Comp Plan Fund..$13,809.27
Building Fund…..$15,686.00
The Treasurer's report was approved as read by Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
ROAD REPORT – Paul Petit from Winter has been called to trap beaver at Hemlock haven Road; the brusher part of the Tractor is inoperable due to a broken part, however, the mower still works and the mowing continues; all missing road and access road signs have been put in place; clearing behind the Town hall for the salt/sand shed is completed. Also, laying of gravel and 1 ½" size rock is done.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN – Len said a letter was sent to the Sawyer County Highway Commissioner, Gary Geddart, from the Lake Chippewa Flowage Resort Association asking that the County consider a recreational expansion of the "CC" bridge near The Landing to include a biking/walking shoulder to accommodate the current and future needs of the population using this area. The Board felt the Town of Hunter should also send a letter in support of this action.
ZONING – a Conditional Use application was presented for Michael Whetstone for exceeding 15% impervious surface to approximately 18% by the construction of a replacement dwelling and garage. Five out of 8 opinion letters were returned with no objections. Matt Wielgot explained that a survey was done on the lot and only 1200 square feet of the impervious surface of the whole lot drains towards the lake; all the rest of the surface drains away from the lake which would leech back into the ground before entering the water. They are basically trying to alleviate cutting part of the paved driveway out. Lee Wilmsen made a motion to approve the Conditional Use Application for Michael Whetstone; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
Judy and Don Robinson submitted a change of Zone District Application from RR1 to RR2 for the location and operation of a campground. The 40 acres north of the parcel is already zoned RR2. They also submitted a Conditional Use Application for the operation of the campground. There was a total of 12 opinion letters sent out; 5 were returned for the Zone change and 9 returned for the Conditional Use all with objections and 14 letters of objection from other Town of Hunter residents; and the Chippewa Flowage Property Owners sent a letter stating by unanimous vote, they vigorously oppose the applications. Don Robinson presented his plans for the property and stated that he is only asking for 20 camp sites. There was a large audience at the meeting and all but 2 people were not in favor of either application. Some of the reasons are because the campground would be in the middle of a residential area, there is no room for expansion of the boat landing, increase in garbage, over crowding of Glover Lake and de-valuation of land values. Don feels that most people are against a life style, which is camping, and he has no plans to use Glover Lake. After much discussion Lee Wilmsen said he agrees with most of the opinions stated, but we are not zoning the person but we are zoning the property and Don may want 20 sites now, but if the property was sold the new owner could expand up to 15 sites per acre. Lee Wilmsen made a motion to deny the Robinson Zone District Application from RR1 to RR2; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried. Len Eckerly made a motion to deny the Robinson Conditional Use Application for the location/operation of a campground; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; all in favor; motion carried.
A motion was made to grant BARTENDER LICENSES TO DANIEL MEDINA AND TERRI BOSMAN by Gene Mittlestadt; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; all in favor; motion carried.
The Clerk asked the Board to reconsider giving a BARTENDER LICENSE TO DAWN AKINS due to the fact that she was not charged with a felony as it was reduced to a misdemeanor. Lee Wilmsen made a motion to grant Dawn Akins a bartender license;2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
A letter was sent from Attorney David Siegler asking the Town permission to install a WATER MAIN IN NEW POST. Lee Wilmsen prepared a letter stating we would grant the request under 3 conditions. Lee Wilmsen made a motion to send the letter; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
The Treasurer said there are THREE TRIBAL MEMBERS residents that PAID PROPERTY TAXES this year that did not have to because of the 1854 Treaty. Sawyer County recommended that we send the funds back and they will adjust our August Settlement with them and the school districts. Lee Wilmsen made a motion to refund a total of $1,685.93 to the 3 Tribal Members that paid the 2007 taxes; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
APPROVAL OF CHECKS #13251 thru #13281 was given for a total expenditure of $8,841.57. The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m. on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried. Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk