Minutes of Mar.,2010
Place: Hunter Town Hall
Leonard Eckerly called meeting to order
Time: 6:30 pm
Present: Doug Kurtzweil, Leonard Eckerly, Cheryl Treland,
Steve George, Jackie Eckerly
Absent: Mic Isham
The final Comprehensive Planning books were past out to the following members:
Cheryl Treland, Doug Kurtzweil, Steve George, Jackie Eckerly, Len Eckerly.
It was discussed that these books are the property of the Town of Hunter. Not in attendance was Mic Isham, therefore did not get a book. The Planning books will be passed out to the Town board members at their monthly meeting which will be held on April 14th, 2010.
It was mentioned that if someone is absent 3 times or more without a good reason, it will be voted on as to if they should be replaced. The commission will send a letter to Mic with the schedules for this year, and to please let us know if he wants to continue on the board.
A motion was made by Doug to adjourn the meeting, second by Cheryl. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.
Minutes have been taken by Jackie Eckerly. These minutes will also appear on the Hunter Web Page.