Minutes of Mar., 2007
Meeting Minutes……….
Chairman Steve Hale called the monthly Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.; all members present.
The minutes of the January Board meeting were read by the Clerk and approved on a motion from Len Eckerly; 2nd Kay Ryan; aye Steve Hale.
The TREASURER'S REPORT was read by Mary Boer as follows:
01/31/07 Bank Statement Balance……………….$62,391.74
Less 4 Outstanding Checks…………………….$942.16
Beginning Check Book Balance………………….$61,449.58
February Bank Statement Activity
Interest Earned……………………….$11.45
Checks Cleared……………………..$17,138.80
02/28/07 Bank Statement Balance…………………$51,710.87
Less 13 Outstanding Checks………………$ 3,806.43
Ending Check Book Balance……………….$47,904.44
High Yield Account Beginning Balance…………..$723,408.34
General Fund………………………………..$ 3,277.55
Interest Earned……………………………..$ 1,559.28
Machinery Fund………………………………$ 75,000.00
Tax Account…………………………………$ 55,431.93
Ending Bank Statement Balance…………………$133,709.48
Total all Accounts………………..$181,613.92
The Treasurer's report was approved as read from Kay Ryan; 2nd Steve Hale; aye Len Eckerly. ROAD REPORT – roads have been plowed 7 times and all driveways twice; an appointment has been made with a Boss snow plow dealer to fix the plow on the Dodge; the radio in the Front End Loader is not working properly; the Front End Loader plow broke while plowing driveways and the old plow was mounted in the event additional plowing is needed. ZONING– a Conditional Use Application for Jerald and Mary Mannigel for an after-the-fact permit for exceeding the impervious surface limit of 15% to 16.7% by the construction of a new dwelling with an attached garage was approved on a motion from Steve Hale; 2nd Len Eckerly; abstain Kay Ryan. Five out of ten opinion letters were returned all without objections. Len Eckerly and Kay Ryan felt we should write a letter to the DUN ROVIN owners asking them to remove the sign frame nearest to County Road B and Dun Rovin Road. Connie Channey and Jim Hong from the US FOREST SERVICE asked the Board for input on the current system of trails and low standard roads in the Chequamegon- Nicolet National Forest as part of their Travel Management Rule. They are going to make a determination in the next two years as to what kind motorized vehicles will be allowed to travel on these roads or will the close them. They want the Board to make a decision on whether they will allow ATV's or trucks to travel on certain town roads by March 31, 2007. Len Eckerly contacted Paul Hanson regarding a REFURBERISHED COMPUTER for Doug Boer to use. Len Eckerly made a motion to spend up to $600 for a computer system of the highway programs; 2nd Kay Ryan; aye Steve Hale. The 2007-2008 VILLAGE OF COUDERAY FIRE CONTRACT was approved on a motion from Len Eckerly; 2nd Kay Ryan; aye Steve Hale. The ANNUAL ROAD TOUR was set for April 27, 2007 at 7:00 a.m. APPROVAL OF CHECKS #12716 thru #12742 was given for a total expenditure of $10,226.82. The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 p.m. on a motion from Steve Hale; 2nd Kay Ryan.
Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk