Minutes of May, 2007

Meeting Minutes……….

Chairman Len Eckerly called the monthly Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.; all members present.

The minutes of the April Board meeting were read by the Clerk with a motion by Lee Wilmsen to accept as read recognizing a difference in the way the Treasurer and Clerk applied funds in the High Yield Savings account; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.

The minutes of the April 25, 2007 Road Tour meeting were read by the Clerk and approved on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.

The TREASURER'S REPORT was read by Mary Boer as follows:

* * 03/31/07 Bank Statement Balance…………….$108,447.65
Less 8 Outstanding Checks……………………..$ 6,629.95
Beginning Check Book Balance…………………..$101,817.00

April Bank Statement Activity
Deposits……………………………….$ 35,509.06
Interest Earned…………………………$ 216.09
Checks Cleared………………………….$ 42,805.98

04/30/07 Bank Statement Balance………………..$101,366.82
Less 4 Outstanding Checks………………..$ 187.22
Ending Check Book Balance………………..$101,179.60

High Yield Account Beginning Balance……………$ 78,641.51

General Fund…………………………………$ 3,877.44

Interest Earned………………………………$ 235.93

Machinery Fund……………………………….$ 75,000.00

Deposits/Credits……………………………..$ 0.00

Ending Bank Statement Balance………………….$ 78,877.44

Total all Accounts…………………$180,057.04

The Treasurer's report was approved as read from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.

ROAD REPORT – town road weight restrictions were removed on April 30th; plows have been removed from the trucks; all vehicles have been washed down to remove as much salt & sand as possible; the beaver problem on Hemlock Haven Rd. has stopped for now; black top patching and shoulder damage created over this past winter is being worked on. Lee Wilmsen questioned why the $5,000 machinery fund budget from 2006 was not added to the machinery fund.

The Clerk explained that the money was used towards the unexpected increase in asphalt for our road projects.

Len Eckerly reported that PAUL RYAN WILL STAY ON AS COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING CHAIRMAN until a co-chairman can be appointed and brought up to speed on what the committee has accomplished so far.

ZONING – Sawyer County Zoning sent a proposed amendment for the County Zoning Ordinance that will affect the wording of section 9.12(4) concerning nonconforming uses and structures. The second change will affect the County Zoning Committee Rules and By-laws of section 7.11 APPEALS OF COMMITTEE DECISION. Lee Wilmsen made a motion to accept the Sawyer County Zoning changes as presented; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.

The BOARD OF REVIEW DATE has been set for May 23, 2007 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

The Clerk asked the Board to consider CHARGING LIQUOR LICENSE FEES EVERY TWO YEARS.

Due to possible budgeting problems and other concerns Len Eckerly made a motion to not change the liquor licensing period to every two years; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; all in favor; motion carried.

The subject of PAYING TOWN EMPLOYEES CDL LICENSE for individuals that only use their license for town work was brought up at the road tour. Any further discussion was tabled until budget time in October. The Board decided to create an ORDINACE FOR LOGGER PROCDURES while logging off Town of Hunter roads. This ordinance will be sent to all loggers in the area to make them aware that they will be fined for any damages. The Board will write up the stipulations for the ordinance.

Len Eckerly reported that the Dodge transmission is about to go. Len Eckerly made a motion REPLACE THE DODGE and begin looking for bids; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.

APPROVAL OF CHECKS #12782 thru #12801 was given for a total expenditure of $9,171.32.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:42 p.m. on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.

Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk