Chairman Len Eckerly called the monthly Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.; all members present. The minutes of the September 11, 2013 Board meeting were approved as presented on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Laura Rusk; motion carried. The Clerk read the minutes from the September 27, 2013 Special Meeting and were approved on a motion from Laura Rusk; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
08/31/13 Bank Statement Balance $37,397.87
Less 3 Outstanding Checks -$ 779.94
Beginning Check Book Balance $36,617.93
September Bank Statement Activity
Deposits $17,541.90
Interest Earned $ 5.02
Checks Cleared -$10,254.34
Less Debit -$ 234.77
09/30/13 Bank Statement Balance $44,455.68
Less State Withholding -$ 0.02
Less 2 Outstanding Checks -$ 2,549.15
Ending Check Book Balance $41,906.51
MMDA Account Beginning Balance $52,979.93 General Fund $24,751.93
Interest Earned 23.96
Deposit (made in error) $ 110.00 Building Fund $28,228.00
Ending 08/31/13 Bank Statement Balance $53,113.89
Total All Accounts $95,020.40
Lee Wilmsen made a motion to approve the Treasures report as presented; 2nd Laura Rusk; motion carried.
The Chairman asked if the AGENDA WAS POSTED. The Clerk answered ‘yes’.
ROAD REPORT – the annual certification for local road gas tax is completed; inspection of driveways for winter snow plowing has started; it will cost $536.50 to replace the window in the tractor; the new speed limit signs and four way stop signs on Flowage Road are in place; rating of town roads continues.
ZONING – a renewal of Conditional Use Permit #02-023 was presented for Judy Harris for the location/operation of a non-metallic mineral extraction, sand and fill. Laura Rusk made a motion to approve the 3 year Conditional Use Application for Judy Harris; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; motion carried.
A BARTENDER LICENSE FOR SANDRA BORKENHAGEN was approved on a motion from Laura Rusk; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; motion carried.
The 2013 Budget was discussed.
CONTINENTAL COMPUTER RECYCLING sent us a flyer offering free electronic, small gadgets and appliance drop off bin. The bin would be placed inside the chain fence and monitored by the dump attendant. Lee Wilmsen made a motion to place a recycling bin in the dump area; 2nd Laura Rusk; motion carried.
Lee Wilmsen made a motion to approve 114 SNOWPLOW CONTRACTS received so far this year; 2nd Laura Rusk; motion carried.
SNOWPLOW DRIVERS this year will be Doug Boer, Carl Stone, Ty Sauder, Tim Anderson and Bill Rusk. Tim Anderson also will fill in at the dump when needed.
Laura Rusk prepared a letter to be sent to residents next spring to remind them to TOP OFF THEIR PROPANE TANKS before the road bands go into effect. Lee Wilmsen said there is a 212% increase reconstructing a road. He feels it is our responsibility to enforce the road bands to protect the tax payer’s money.
Lee Wilmsen felt that the LEFT HAND TURN ONTO FLOWAGE ROAD from County Road CC is a hazard due to the poor visibility for cars coming from the right. Laura Rusk made a motion to authorize Lee Wilmsen to prepare a letter to the County to address the left hand turn at the intersection of County Road CC and Flowage Road; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; motion carried.
Lee Wilmsen made motion to approve an amendment to ORDINANCE NO. 2012-01 ADDING A PORTION OF PINE KNOLL ROAD as an ATV route; 2nd Laura Rusk; motion carried. Len Eckerly did not vote on this issue.
Laura Rusk made a motion to APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS AND PAYROLL for checks #15251 to #15280 from 09/12/2013 to 10/09/2013 for a total expenditure of $12,980.81; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; motion carried.
Len talked about the TRIP funds that will be given out this year. And he reported that a logger found an old dump site near Conner Lane that was closed by the Town in 1979. This will be inspected by the Board
The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m. on a motion from Laura Rusk; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; motion carried.
Patricia Swaffield, Clerk