Minutes of Oct., 2007


Place: Hunter Town Hall

Paul Ryan called meeting to order
Time: 9:05am
Present: Paul Ryan, Chris Jeffords, Don Robinson, Cheryl Treland, Jackie Eckerly

The minutes were read and approved.

A review was done showing an example of the first page of the survey. This will show the number of responses along with the percentages for each question. The typing showing the percentages and number of responses should be completed by the November 14th meeting. This will also be added to the web page for the people to see the results. It will also be noted that the number of mailings sent out and the number of returns with a percentage. The questions that had responses to them will be posted as close to the related number as possible or be noted with an asterisk telling them to look on the numbered page for comments.
E-mail will be sent to Sheldon Johnson asking if he can attend our November meeting. Cheryl will find out if there is a high school student with some web page experience that could help us get our info on our web page.
It was also mentioned that a member be appointed by the tribal consul should be asked on the board.
Paul will attend the Town meeting to talk about the Planning committee.  Paul also said that he would contact someone to find out about the Osprey Lake situation.
Our work Plan will be doing the Transportation IV section, then the Utilities and Community Facilities V section.  Section III Housing and section II Demographic Analysis

Our November agenda will be as follows:
1.Sheldon Johnson to be present
2.Getting information to the public about the survey results
3.Paul attending the monthly Town Meeting
4.Getting information on the Osprey Lake situation
5.Meeting are open to the public.


A motion was made by Chris Jeffords to adjourn the meeting second by Cheryl Treland.
Meeting adjourned at 10:10 am.
Minutes taken by Jackie Eckerly

Next Meeting will be on November 14th  9:00am Town Hall
These minutes will also appear on the Web-Page