Minutes of Sept, 2008
Place: Hunter Town Hall
Paul Ryan called meeting to order
Time: 8:35am
Present: Chuck Block, Paul Ryan, Doug Kurtzweil, Don Robinson, Leonard Eckerly,
Steve George, Cheryl Treland, Chris Jeffords Jackie Eckerly.
Absent: Gerry Brodsky, gosh,
A motion for approval of the minutes from the Aug 19th meeting was made
by Cheryl and 2nd by Steve, motion carried.
Sheldon told us about goal and objectives and what these mean. "Goal Statement"
is a broad base statement that you wish to achieve in time (20 yrs,). "Objective Statement" is something that is measurable you want to achieve. Action Statements are things that we will decide on how it is done. Sheldon will e-mail us Goals & Objectives from other towns, to help us accomplish this part of the Comp. Program. Revisions were look at for Transportation and Utilities. The Land Map was discussed at great length and land use definitions have been decided on.
Sheldon gave us a two-page questionnaire (12 questions) that needs to be completed by out next meeting. Each person should fill this out to make the next meeting shorter.
Our Oct. agenda will be as follows:
1. Intergovernmental Cooperation Questionnaire
2. Intergovernmental Cooperation draft
3. Housing
4. Population and Demographics
Schedule of future meetings:
11-18-08 TUESDAY 9:00AM Note the time change
12-16-08 TUESDAY 9:00AM & nbsp;
A motion was made by Chris to adjourn the meeting, second by Doug. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 11:30 am.
Minutes have been taped and taken by Jackie Eckerly. These minutes will also appear on the Hunter Web Page.
Next Meeting will be on October 21st at 8:30AM Town Hall.