Minutes of Apr, 2009
Place: Hunter Town Hall
Paul Ryan called meeting to order
Time:9:00 am
Present: Doug Kurtzweil, Leonard Eckerly, Chuck Block, Paul Ryan, Steve George, Jackie Eckerly Guest: Sheldon Johnson
Absent:Chris Jeffords, gaish, Gerry Brodsky, Don Robinson. Cheryl Treland,
Motion made to accept the minutes of the March meeting by Steve and 2nd by Len, motion carried.
Sheldon handed out the revised elements for Transportation and Housing with our corrections done. A possible Ordiance will be looked at by Leonard and Steve and reviewed to see which one fits our township and they will present it to the committee for the next meeting. The topic of secretary came up and Leonard will call the WTA for clarification.
Our May agenda will be as follows:
1. Plan Commission Ordinance
2. Review Final draft of Utilities & Community Facilities
3. Review Final draft of Intergovernmental Cooperation
4. Review draft of Land Use
Schedule of future meetings:
05-19-09 TUESDAY 9:00 AM (Plan Commission Ord. on Town Brd. Agenda)
06-16-09 TUESDAY 8:30 AM
06-18-09 THURS. 7:00 PM (1ST Informational meeting)
06-23-09 TUESDAY 8:30 AM (Getting ready to present Plan to Town Board)
07-08-09 WEDNESDAY 6:30 PM (Town Board Mtg. Present Plan to the board)
08-18-09 TUESDAY 7:00 PM (Public Hearing open to the public)
A motion was made by Steve to adjourn the meeting, second by Len. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 am.
Minutes have been taped and taken by Jackie Eckerly. These minutes will also appear on the Hunter Web Page.