MONTHLY BOARD MEETING – September 9, 2020
Chair Laura Rusk called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.; present were Laura Rusk, Kay Ryan, Jim Dier, Patty Swaffield and Cindy Gutsch.
The August 12, 2020 Monthly Board Meeting minutes were reviewed; no changes were heard; minutes approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
$126,808.39 07/31/2020 Bank Statement Balance ,
$ -154.00 Less 1 Outstanding Checks
$126,654.39 08/01/2020 Beginning Check Book Balance
August Bank Statement Activity
$ 66,752.22 Deposits
$ 11.15 Interest Earned
$ -58,183.62 Checks Cleared
$135,388.14 08/31/2020 Bank Statement Balance
$ -13,051.54 Less 2 Outstanding Checks
$122,336.60 08/31/2020 Ending Check Book Balance
$ 43,711.00 Beginning Balance
$ 7.43 Interest Earned
$ 43,718.43 08/31/2020 Ending Bank Statement Bal General Fund $13,718.43
Highway Fund $30,000.00
$166,055.03 Total all Accounts
The Treasures report was reviewed; no changes were heard; Treasurers report approved.
ROAD REPORT: Monarch still working on Lesniak Road.
EMPLOYEE REVIEW DATE is set for October 14, 2020 at 4:30.
BUDGET WORKSHOP DATE is set for October 20, 2020 – time to be determined.
MOTION: Moved by Jim Dier; 2nd Kay Ryan to increase the ASSESSOR CONTRACT by 3% to $16,200 for the years 2021 and 2022; all in favor; motion carried.
The Board received a 2nd letter of complaint regarding LOUD MUSIC AT CHIPPEWA PINES RESORT on Sandy Point Road. Most people on that road have no problem with the music, so the Board agreed not to take action at this time.
MOTION: Moved by Jim Dier; 2nd Kay Ryan to APPROVE PAYMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND PAYROLL for checks #17068 to #17086 & electronic payments from 08/13/2020 to 09/09/2020 for a total expenditure of $25,644.57; all in favor; motion carried.
The Chair ended the meeting at 5:35 p.m.
Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk