Chair Laura Rusk called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.; all members present.  The minutes of the April 20, 2016 Board meeting were approved as submitted on a motion Jim Dier; 2nd Kay Ryan; motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report:

03/31/16 Bank Statement Balance                           $   80,531.77

Less 1 Outstanding Checks                                       –$            8.67

Beginning 04/01/16 Check Book Balance              $   80,523.10


April Bank Statement Activity

Deposits                                                          $    29,501.83

Interest Earned                                              $             6.34

Checks Cleared                                              -$    18,095.36

04/30/16 Bank Statement Balance            $    91,944.58

Less 1 Outstanding Checks                           –$         168.67

Ending 04/30/16 Check Book Balance        $    91,775.91


MMDA Account Beginning Balance         $      42,640.00                 General Fund $4,249.26

Deposits                                                          $               0.00                 Building Fund $27,334.00

Interest Earned                                             $               5.26                  Highway Fund $11,062.00

Transfer Out                                                 –$               0.00

Ending 04/30/16 Bank Statement Balance        $      42,645.26


Total All Accounts                                                    $    134,421.17


The Treasures report was approved as presented by Kay Ryan; 2nd Jim Dier; motion carried

ROAD REPORT – started brushing and cutting down small trees to close to the road.  Continued to fill pot holes and sink holes.  Had two loads of gravel delivered to continue to fill low spots next to the pavement.

The DISALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS was not necessary due to the fact that the case was settled by the claimants’ attorney and Rural Insurance.

SELLING THE 2008 FORD TRUCK was discussed.  Reid said it is worth $17,500 without the plow and $18,500 with the plow per Kelly Blue Book.  A bid ad will be put in the Sawyer County Record.  Kay Ryan made a motion to dispose of the 2008 Ford Truck; 2nd Jim Dier; motion carried.

The Board talked about some sort of equipment to CLEAN THE INTERSECTIONS in the spring.  Reid will check on the cost of a back pack blower or renting a truck mounted sweeper.

The purchase of a CHIPPER for cleaning the ditches after brushing is done was discussed.  Reid said it would cost around $30,000 for a used one.  He said after the wood sits for a while it will disintegrate and can be pushed back with the arm of the tractor.

Now that the Town will not be plowing private driveways PLOWING ACCESS (private) ROADS will also be discontinued.  Laura researched this issue with the WTA Attorney’s and insurance companies.  They both say “do not do it”.  If we did, the people living on the road would have to pay “actual” cost of plowing.  A few residents made some comments regarding their concerns if we did not plow.  The decision on plowing private roads was tabled for now until the board can discuss it further.

Jim Dier made a motion to APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS AND PAYROLL for checks #16134 to #16147 & electronic payments from 04/21/2016 to 05/11/2016 for a total expenditure of $14,016.11; 2nd Kay Ryan; motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:12 p.m. on a motion from Jim Dier; 2nd Kay Ryan; motion carried.

Patricia Swaffield, Clerk