Chair Laura Rusk called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 5:05 p.m.; present were Laura Rusk, Kay Ryan, Jim Dier, Patty Swaffield and Cindy Gutsch.

The minutes from the February 9, 2022 Monthly Board Meeting were reviewed; no changes were heard; minutes approved.

 Treasurer’s Report:
$   35,647.12   01/31/2022 Bank Statement Balance
$        295.26-  Less 6 Outstanding Checks
$   35,351.76   02/01/2022 Beginning Check Book Balance

February Bank Statement Activity
$      2,128.74  Deposits
$   979,078.11 Transfer from MMDA – Feb Settlement
$1,003,408.79 Checks Cleared
$           1.77    Interest
$   13,446.95   02/08/2022 Bank Statement Balance
$     4,780.58–  Less 4 Outstanding Checks
$     8,666.37   02/28/2022 Ending Check Book Balance

$1,139,563.41 Beginning Balance
$  979,078.11- Transfer to Checking – Feb Settlement
$ 100,602.10   2021 Tax Deposits
$          24.00   Dog License
$          61.45   Interest Earned
$  261,172.85   02/28/2022 Ending Bank Statement Balance

$  269,839.22   Total all Accounts

General Fund $5,070.59    Highway Fund $78,000.00  Building Fund $10,000.00
Equipment Fund $60,000.00       ARPA Fund $33,501.31
Taxes $72,219.80   Overpaid Taxes $2,102.15   Dog License $279.00

Treasures report was reviewed; no changes were heard; Treasurers report approved.

ROAD REPORT:  Gary spent most of his time plowing and sanding the roads and pushed downed tree limbs off the roads from the ice laden trees. More equipment maintenance including fixing a hydraulic hose and air leak on the International.

Kay Ryan was approached by some of her neighbors who asked that the SPEED LIMIT ON DUN ROVIN ROAD be reduced to 25 MPH.  She then talked to a few more neighbors and they all agreed to the reduced speed limit.
MOTION: Moved by Rusk; 2nd Dier to change the Dun Rovin speed limit from 35 to 25 MPH; all in favor; motion carried.

As part of the CONTINGENCY PLANNING the Clerk prepared a resolution authorizing Kay Ryan to sign checks for the purpose of disbursing funds from the checking account.  Her signature would be required in the absence of the Chair, Clerk or Treasurer.
MOTION: Moved by Dier; 2nd Rusk to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2022-01 Authorizing Signatures for Disbursement; all in favor; motion carried.

For further contingency planning, the Clerk will check with other Municipalities on how they have set up a deputy clerk and treasurer in case of the absence of the Clerk or Treasurer.

A SUMMER RECREATIONAL LAKE ACTIVITY SURVEY was prepared by Dennis Clagett and presented to the Board for approval.  The survey will be sent as is to our Webmaster in preparation of sending it to our residents as an email blast.  The results of the survey will ultimately be presented to the WIS DNR.

Ryan and Dier listened to the BIPARTISAN INFRASTRUCTURE BILL webinar and it was decided that it would cost the Town a considerable amount of money to put together an application to be approved.  The board decided not to pursue applying

MOTION: Moved by Dier; 2nd by Ryan to APPROVE PAYMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND PAYROLL for checks #17432 to #17450, electronic payments and account transfers from 02/10/2022 to 03/09/2022 for a total expenditure of $1,003,476.32; all in favor; motion carried.

The Chair ended the meeting at 7:00 p.m.

Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk