Chair Laura Rusk called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.; present were Laura Rusk, Kay Ryan, Jim Dier and Patty Swaffield and Cindy Gutsch.
The June 8, 2022 Special Meeting and Monthly Board Meeting minutes were reviewed; no changes were heard; minutes approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
$ 63,360.88 05/31/2022 Bank Statement Balance
$ 1,063.45– Less 4 Outstanding Checks
$ 62,297.43 06/01/2022 Beginning Check Book Balance
June Bank Statement Activity
$ 45,264.55 Deposits
$ 20,264.40- Checks Cleared
$ .73 Interest
$108,203.31 06/30/2022 Bank Statement Balance
$ 5,109.53– Less 2 Outstanding Checks
$103,093.78 06/30/2022 Ending Check Book Balance
$189,053.36 Beginning Balance
$ 15.54 Interest Earned
$189,068.90 06/30/2022 Ending Bank Statement Balance
General Fund $5,567.59
Highway Fund $78,000.00 Equipment Fund $60,000.00
Building Fund $10,000.00
ARPA Fund $35,501.31
$292,162.68 Total all Accounts
Treasures report was reviewed; no changes were heard; Treasurers report approved.
ROAD REPORT: Gary cut and pushed over hazard trees in right-of-way and fixed road signs. He was off 3 weeks for knee surgery. Came in 1 day a week to just check roads. Put mower on tractor and started mowing ditches.
ZONING: A Conditional Use Application was discussed for John & Lisa Knur to construct a 24’ x 32’ garage per section 4.26(1) of the Sawyer County ordinance with conditions. The County conditions are the garage cannot have any habitable space and a principal dwelling Land Use Permit application is required within 3 years and the principal dwelling is to be built within the permit time frame on the same parcel. The Knur’s were present via Teleconference and stated they plan on building in 2023.
MOTION: Moved by Ryan and 2nd by Dier to approve the construction of a 24’ x 32’ garage with conditions; all in favor; motion carried.
In regards to Richard and Angela Busch’s driveway, the County has notified us that they have become compliant with them. We will contact the Busch’s on how they need to become compliant with the Town of Hunter.
The Clerk reviewed the Revenues and Expenditures as of June 30.
RECREATIONAL ACTIVITY GROUP MEMBERS will not be decided on until the Comprehensive Plan Surveys are entered and evaluated.
MOTION: Moved by Dier and 2nd by Ryan to approve an increase in MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT from 58 cents per mile to 62.5 cents per mile; all in favor; motion carried.
The BLUEBERRY LAKE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION sent a letter of support for ATV/UTV travel on County Road CC from New Post to County Road NN. A decision was not reached at this time.
MOTION: Moved by Ryan; 2nd Dier to APPROVE PAYMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND PAYROLL for checks #17516 to #17532, electronic payments and account transfers from 06/09/2022 to 07/13/2022 for a total expenditure of $27,664.77; all in favor; motion carried.
The Board decided to have Board of Review on September 1, 2022.
The Chair ended the meeting at 5:55 p.m.
Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk