MONTHLY BOARD MEETING – February 8. 2023

Chair Laura Rusk called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.; present were Laura Rusk, Jim Dier, Dennis Clagett, Cindy Gutsch & Patty Swaffield.

The January 11, 2023 Monthly Board Meeting minutes were reviewed; no changes were heard; minutes approved.

 Treasurer’s Report:
$  98,652.91   12/31/2022 Bank Statement Balance
$   -3,363.12   Less 3 Outstanding Checks
$  95,289.79   01/01/2023 Beginning Check Book Balance

January Bank Statement Activity
$  45,305.69    Deposits
$564,232.41    January Settlement Transfer from MMDA
$         20.00-   Overdraft Transfer Fees
$604,723.31-   Checks Cleared
$           1.48     Interest
$103,449.18    01/31/2023 Bank Statement Balance
$    1,920.89-   Less 4 Outstanding Checks
$101,528.29    01/31/2023 Ending Check Book Balance

$   738,360.00  Beginning Balance
$1,085,671.53  Deposits
$           24.00-  Represented Check Fees
$  564,232.41-  January Settlement Transfer to Checking
$           79.77   Interest
$1,259,854,89  01/31/2023 Ending Bank Statement Balance

$1,361,383.18   Total all Accounts

General Fund $5,343.06
Equipment Fund $60,000.00
ARPA Fund $71,802.62
Taxes $1,111,758.33
Dogs & Overpaids $950.88

Treasures report was reviewed; no changes were heard; Treasurers report approved.

ROAD REPORT:   Roads have been sanded several times & equipment maintenance.

Ordinance 2023-01 revisions were discussed.
MOTION: Moved by Dier; 2nd by Clagett to approve Ordinance No. 2023-01; all in favor; motion carried.

TIGER MUSKY ROAD CONSTRUCTION QUOTES: Gary received separate quotes for delivery and spreading of gravel and pulverizing and knockdown.  It was decided to publish a request for quotes for those two projects.  Also, bids for paving and shouldering will be published for two weeks.  Bids to be opened at the March 8, 2023 meeting.

The 2022 FINANCIAL STATEMENT was reviewed.  No comments were heard.

The DOUBLE DRIVEWAY at 9709 DUN ROVIN ROAD was again discussed.  The Board decided to place a Dead-End sign in our right-of-way in front of the 2nd driveway.  A letter will be sent to the property owners advising them of this action.

MOTION: Moved by Clagett; 2nd Dier to APPROVE PAYMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND PAYROLL for checks #17679 to #17692, electronic payments and account transfers from 01/12/2023 to 02/08/2023 for a total expenditure of $22,303.69; all in favor; motion carried.

The Chair ended the meeting at 5:47 p.m.
Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk