Chair Laura Rusk called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.; present were Laura Rusk, Kay Ryan, Jim Dier, Patty Swaffield and Cindy Gutsch.

The January 9, 2019 minutes were reviewed.  No changes were heard; minutes approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

$107,709.49    12/31/2018 Bank Statement Balance

$ -24,847.58    Less 1 Outstanding Checks

$  82,861.91    01/01/2019 Beginning Check Book Balance


January Bank Statement Activity

$   31,639.19   Deposits

$  289,493.96  Transfer from MMDA

$    66,500.00  Wire Transfers

$         -30.00   Wire Transfer Fees

$           15.62  Interest Earned

$ -331,508.59  Checks Cleared

$  163,819.67  01/31/2019 Bank Statement Balance

$   -66,935.51  Less 1 Outstanding Checks

$    96,884.16  01/31/2019 Ending Check Book Balance


MMDA Account            

$ 431,151.54   Beginning Balance                                                     General Fund $748.07

$ 772,462.57   Deposits                                                                      Taxes $909,965.34

$-289,493.96   Transfer to Checking                                               Overpaid Taxes $1,255.19

$    -1,993.76   NSF Check & Fee                                                       Dog License $357.00

$         199.21  Interest Earned

$ 912,325.60   01/31/2019 Ending Bank Statement Balance


$1,009,209.76 Total all Accounts


The Treasures report was reviewed.  No changes were heard; Treasurers report approved.

ATV/UTV TRAVEL ON COUNTY ROAD B & CC – Don Mrotek was present on behalf of the Sawyer County Snowmobile Alliance requesting ATV/UTV travel on County Road CC from County Road B south to Twin Bay Road.  Also, from County Road CC going east on County Road B to Dance Hall Road.  Highway Commissioner, Gary Gedart, gave Laura a new resolution from the Sawyer County Board of Supervisors that states:

All ATV/UTV route requests are contingent upon approval by the Municipality through which the route travels.  This approval must be acquired prior to the Public Works Committee’s consideration of the request.  There was much more discussion on this issue and both requests were tabled until more research can be done.

Kim and Cindy Neurohr made the request to open REED LAKE AND OAK ROADS FOR ATV/UTV TRAVEL.  They contacted everyone on both roads and the majority of the residents were in favor.

MOTION: Moved by Jim Dier to open Reed Lake & Oak Roads for ATV/UTV traffic with the stipulation the residents pay for the signage and it will be reviewed in one year; 2nd Kay Ryan; motion carried.

MOTION: AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO 2017-02 DESIGNATING ATV/UTV ROUTES to include Reed Lake & Oak Roads was approved by Jim Dier; 2nd Kay Ryan; motion carried.

MOTION: AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 2008-01 ALTERNATE CLAIMS PROCEDURE FOR TAX REFUNDS to not refund any overpayments less than $5.00; moved by Laura Rusk; 2nd Jim Dier; motion carried.

The 2018 FINANCIAL STATEMENT was review.

Due to the pipes freezing the water backed up and flooded the large bathroom and part of the carpet in the Hall.  The Clerk will research the cost of REPLACING THE CARPET.

MOTION: Moved by Laura Rusk to approve an OPERATORS LICESE FOR MARIO LUGO-REYES; 2ND Jim Dier; motion carried.

MOTION: Moved by Laura Rusk to increase the LCO EMT per call from $27.50 to $35.00; 2nd Kay Ryan; motion carried.

MOTION: APPROVE PAYMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND PAYROLL for checks #16715 to #16744 & electronic payments from 01/09/2019 to 02/13/2019 for a total expenditure of $381,690.37.  Moved by Jim Dier; 2nd Kay Ryan; motion carried.

The Chair ended the meeting at 6:25 p.m.

Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk