Chair Laura Rusk called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.; present were Laura Rusk, Kay Ryan, Jim Dier, Patty Swaffield and Cindy Gutsch.

The July 14, 2021 Monthly Board Meeting minutes were reviewed; no changes were heard; minutes approved.
Treasurer’s Report:

$124,600.53    06/30/2021 Bank Statement Balance
4,532.08–   Less 4 Outstanding Checks
$120,068.45    07/01/2021 Beginning Check Book Balance

July Bank Statement Activity

$  86,017.27   Deposits
$  26,055.60-  Checks Cleared
$  35,901.31-  Transfer ARPA to MMDA
$    2.81   Interest
$145,663.70   06/30/2021 Bank Statement Balance
$ 637.00–  Less 2 Outstanding Checks
$148,026.70   07/31/2021 Ending Check Book Balance


$  97,864.02   Beginning Balance
$  35,901.31     Transfer ARPA from Checking
$           9.60    Interest Earned
$133,774.93   07/31/2021 Ending Bank Statement Balance

General Fund $4,873.62 – Highway Fund 43,000 – Equipment Fund $50,000 –
ARPA Fund $35,901.31

$281,801.63   Total all Accounts

Treasures report was reviewed; no changes were heard; Treasurers report approved.

ROAD REPORT:  New employee Gary Klein started work July 12.  Reid’s last day was July 16.
Gary started mowing town roads, replaced and fixed road signs.  County Hill Tree Service removed the dead portion of a tree on Kelsey Road.  The rest will be taken down in 2022.  Gary will continue mowing until all roads are done.


The Board discussed possible ways to spend the ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds.  Someone will look into possibly using some of the funds to help police the water traffic on the Chippewa Flowage.


SPEAKER, MIKE GARDNER, Executive Director, of the Sawyer County/LCO Economic Development Corporation talked about Broadband and asked the Board to consider donating some of our ARPA money towards Broadband expansion.

SPECIAL EVENTS ORDINANCE – In response to recent inquiries regarding on the water events that anticipate a crowd of over 100, there are notices and permits required for them to take place. These permits address items such as sanitation facilities, etc. This is a Sawyer County Ordinance with Town Board approval required, as well. We will discuss this further at an upcoming meeting.

The Board discussed changes to our DRIVEWAY ORDINANCE NO. 98-02.  We will incorporate some of the Town of Round Lake’s verbiage into a new ordinance at a later date.

 MOTION: Moved by Ryan; 2nd by Dier to APPROVE PAYMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND PAYROLL for checks #17299 to #17318, electronic payments and account transfers from 07/15/2021 to 08/11/2021 for a total expenditure of $23,582.04; all in favor; motion carried.

The Chair ended the meeting at 5:50 p.m.

Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk