Chair Laura Rusk called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.; all members present.

Prior to the business portion of the meeting, the K-9 dog Trace and handler Deputy Nick al-Moghrabi gave a talk on Trace’s history and how he is used in the sheriff’s Department.  He and Deputy Dennis then did a presentation with Trace on how he attacks a suspect.

The minutes of the July 13, 2016 Board meeting were approved as presented by Kay Ryan; 2nd Jim Dier; motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:

07/31/16 Bank Statement Balance                             $ 94,005.28

Less 0 Outstanding Checks                                          –$          0.00

Beginning 07/01/16 Check Book Balance                 $ 94,005.28


July Bank Statement Activity

Deposits                                                            $ 28,940.13

Transfer Out                                                  -$ 45,000.00

Interest Earned                                               $          7.00

Checks Cleared                                              -$ 11,539.54

07/31/16 Bank Statement Balance            $ 66,412.87

Less 1 Outstanding Checks                           –$      180.00

Ending 07/31/16 Check Book Balance       $ 66,232.87


MMDA Account Beginning Balance                        $ 42,657.65                    General Fund $4,270.37

Transfer In                                                                  $ 45,000.00                    Building Fund $27,334.00

Interest Earned                                                         $          6.96                       Highway Fund $56,062.00

Ending 07/31/16 Bank Statement Balance         $  87,666.37

Total All Accounts                                                    $153,899.24

The Treasures report was approved as presented by Kay Ryan; 2nd Jim Dier; motion carried

ROAD REPORT – finished mowing town roads.  Replaced and fixed road signs that were stolen or vandalized.

ZONING – a Variance Application was presented for Brian & Sara Priester to construct a detached 24’ x 28’ garage located 73’ from the ordinary high water mark of the Chippewa Flowage.  The structure would be 26’ x 30’ with eves.  Attorney Mike Kelsey explained that the 73’ set back was not from the main lake but from a back bay.   Several neighbors were present and expressed a concern of drainage onto their property.  Jeremy Hill (contractor) said drainage will not be a problem.  Guttering and rain gardens will have to be up into place for any drainage problems.  Out of the 35 Opinion Letters sent out, 3 were returned with objection and 12 without objection.  Jim Dier made a motion to accept the Priester Variance Application to construct a 24’ x 28’ garage (26’ x 30’ with eves) and a second by Laura Rusk with the stipulation they follow the Sawyer County Zoning restrictions on run off, rain gardens, etc.; motion carried.  Laura urged the property owners attend the Zoning meeting on Tuesday August 16, 2016.

On two occasions there was AFTER HOURS DUMPING by an area resident.  A total of 7 bags were left, 3 with stickers and 4 without.   After much discussion the Board decided to send a letter along with a copy of the Town Ordinance and a fine of $58.00; $50.00 fine and $8.00 for the stickers that were not on the bags.

A letter will be sent to PRIVATE ROAD RESIDENTS that did not have a driveway contract reminding them that their roads will not be plowed going forward.

ORDINANCE NO. 2012-01 ATV ROUTES was amended to include a temporary ATV/UTV route from the corner of blueberry Lake Oasis and Johnny B’s to County Road CC and was approved on a motion from Kay Ryan; 2nd Jim Dier; motion carried.  The temporary route will stay in place until the bridge on Blueberry Avenue is repaired.

Kay Ryan made a motion to APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS AND PAYROLL for checks #16174 to #16187 & electronic payments from 07/14/2016 to 08/10/2016 for a total expenditure of $17,078.50; 2nd Laura; motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 p.m. on a motion from Laura Rusk; 2nd Jim Dier; motion carried.

Patricia Swaffield, Clerk