Minutes of Jan., 2007

MONTHLY BOARD MEETING – January 10, 2007
Chairman Steve Hale the monthly Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.; all members present.
The minutes of the December Board meeting were read by the Clerk and approved with an amendment to the total check book balance and total all accounts on a motion from Len Eckerly; 2nd Kaye Ryan; aye Steve Hale.
The TREASURER'S REPORT was read by Mary Boer as follows:
11/30/06 Bank Statement Balance…………….$44,200.89
Less 6 Outstanding Checks………………….$ 2,335.89
Beginning Check Book Balance……………….$41,865.00
December Bank Statement Activity
Interest Earned…………………………..$ 86.00
Checks Cleared……………………………$11,192.45
12/31/06 Bank Statement Balance…………….$45,604.34
Less 7 Outstanding Checks………………….$ 2,365.11
Ending Check Book Balance………………….$43,239.23
High Yield Account Beginning Balance………..$ 82,028.59
General Fund……………………………..$ 250.14
Interest Earned…………………………..$ 250.14
Machinery Fund……………………………$ 75,000.00
Transfer to Checking………………………$ 7,028.59
Ending Bank Statement Balance………………$374,039.28
Total all Accounts………………………..$417,278.51
The Treasurer's report was approved as presented from Len Eckerly; 2nd Kay Ryan; aye Steve Hale.

ROAD REPORT – all roads are in good driving condition. Salt/sand applications have been very heavy this past month as a result of freezing rain or small amounts of snow fall creating slippery road conditions; all town vehicles are in good running order and ready for snow removal. There is an abandoned pick-up truck at the turn around on Scott Lake Rd which makes is difficult for the End Loader to turn around safely. ZONING – a VARIANCE APPLICATION FOR ELISZ & ROBERT BODETT was presented for the purpose of construction a 10' x 42' addition onto an existing dwelling with a dwelling setback of 66' to Lake Chippewa. The proposed addition will be located 76' from the ordinary high- water mark of the lake and will result in a total dwelling footprint of 1660 square feet. Section 4.421(2)(b)(4), Sawyer County Zoning Ordinance, would restrict the total dwelling footprint to 1500 square feet. Ten out of 21 opinion letters were returned; 2 with objections & 8 with no objections. Mike Kelsey was present representing the Bodett's and explained what improvements his clients are expecting to do. He supplied the Board with a map showing the cabin was 80' from the ordinary high-water mark back in 1990 when the cabin was rebuilt. He felt that either there was a lot of erosion in that area or there is a difference in measuring. He said there is a hardship because the Bodett's have to enter the basement from an outside entrance. Kay said that according to the tax roll the structure is 26' x 52' which would bring the total to 2200 square feet with the addition. She also said it would not be doing justice to other people that had to move their homes because they were not within the guidelines. Len felt they should try to work around the 1500 square foot zoning restriction. Kay Ryan made a motion to deny the Bodett Variance Application because we do not feel it is a hardship; they have only owned the cabin for 1 1/2 years; building dimensions that were given were 26' x 50' but they are actually 26'x 52' which would make the dwelling 212 feet over the 1500 square foot zoning restriction; it's already a 3 bedroom 2 bath cabin and they are not utilizing the basement which would give them an additional 1200 square feet; 2nd Len Eckerly; nay Steve Hale.

The ditch line ON SANDY POINT ROAD has not been restored and it appears the damage on the opposite side of the road is due to the re-construction done a few years ago and not from the loggers trucks. Logging is still going on and we will wait until Spring to determine how much damage was done by the loggers and refund any money due them at that point.

No reports at this time on COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING OR SNOWPLOW CONTRACTS. Len Eckerly contacted Zoning regarding the DUN ROVIN SIGN located on the County right-of-way off County Road B and was told that although there is a set back rule, that sign is grandfathered in and the County cannot make
the owners remove it. Erick from zoning asked the Golem's, owners of Dun Rovin Lodge, to remove the sign and they refused. Kay suggested that the Town write a letter to the owners telling them for the safety of the neighborhood and their guest they should remove the sign. Len Eckerly will attend the next county meeting to talk with Jim Bassett about the safety issues.
Bruce Meyer will teach Len and Jackie Eckerly on how to use the TOWN OF HUNTER WEB SITE that he will create. The cost will be $100 to Bruce and approximately $60 for other expenses. Kay Ryan made a motion to approve an expenditure of up to $200 to spend on a Web Site for the Town of Hunter; 2nd Steve Hale, aye Len Eckerly.

Supervisor – Kay Ryan – Lee Wilmsen – Gene Mittlestadt
APPROVAL OF CHECKS #12641 thru #12672 was given for a total expenditure of $11,046.36. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. on a motion from Len Eckerly; 2nd Kay Ryan; aye Steve Hale.

Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk