Minutes of Aug. 2007
Chairman Len Eckerly called the monthly Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.; all members present.
The minutes of the July Board meeting were read by the Clerk and approved on a motion by Gene Mittlestadt; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; all in favor; motion carried. The minutes of the July 16, 2007 Special meeting were read by the Clerk and amended to include the cost of a new truck in the amount of $39,255.04. Lee Wilmsen made a motion to accept the Special meeting minutes with the amendment; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
The TREASURER'S REPORT was read by Mary Boer as follows:
06/30/07 Bank Statement Balance………..$ 84,679.24
Less 8 Outstanding Checks……………..$ 4,400.27
Beginning Check Book Balance…………..$ 80,278.97
July Bank Statement Activity
Interest Earned…………………$ 313.97
Checks Cleared………………….$ 19,257.32
07/31/07 Bank Statement Balance………..$271,990.92
Less 4 Outstanding Checks………..$ 2,258.41
Ending Check Book Balance………..$269,732.51
High Yield Account Beginning Balance……$ 79,359.32
General Fund $4,605.34
Interest Earned………………………$ 246.02
Machinery Fund $75,000.00
Deposits/Credits……………………..$ 0.00
Ending Bank Statement Balance………….$ 79,605.34
Total all Accounts…………$349,337.85
The Treasurer's report was approved as read on a motion from Gene Mittlestadt; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; all in favor; motion carried.
ROAD REPORT – the Town Hall parking lot has been pulverized and graded; hot crack sealing has been completed on town roads; several roads have been brushed; the mower is broke down so mowing has stopped. The cost to repair the mower exceeds $4,000. Rating of Town roads for the state mandated PASER program is in progress.
ZONING – Thomas Sweeney submitted a Conditional Use Application for the purpose of expanding the existing campground within Shady Nook Resort. The Town of Hunter property is only an access to get to the lake and campsites. John Greene supplied a more accurate forestry map showing the site
Len Eckerly made a motion to approve the Shady Nook Resort Conditional Use Application based on the forestry map presented by the applicant and not the map form the county that was attached to the application; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; all in favor; motion carried.
Sawyer County sent the complete revised Floodplain Zoning Ordinance for Board comments. The proposed regulations were created to protect life, health and property in floodplain areas and will govern uses permitted in mapped floodplains. Lee and Gene will check the maps at the Zoning office to see if the Town of Hunter is affected by the changes.
A discussion took place regarding the current placement of the SLOW-NO-WAKE BUOYS on the West Fork of the Chippewa River. One buoy is only 60' from shore and should be 100'.
Also the visual distance between the two buoys is quite a distance. Boaters are speeding up after the first buoy and slowing down again just before the second buoy. Gene Mittlestadt suggested that the south buoy be moved further north so it will be more visible by boaters. Denny Aaron from Deerfoot feels the buoy's are creating a hazard where they are placed now. The Board proposed to bring the buoy's closer together and add one more in the middle which will still protect the shore line.
The FINAL NEW TRUCK COST including a $5,500 trade-in will be $38,755.04. It was decided not to sell the old Dodge truck due to its condition. Len Eckerly said the snowplow contract income will pay for the purchase of the truck in 4 years.
EMMIT BROWN FROM THE FISHING HALL OF FAME addressed the board asking for financial support to repaint the "Big Musky". The total of the cost will be $53,049.66. The garden fish are also being worked on if the Town would prefer to contribute to that expense. Lee Wilmsen said the Town has not given to other organizations requesting donations and that we should keep our policy of not donating.
Pat Detloff said the fish is a big part of Hayward and unique to the area and the Town should consider donating. The Clerk agreed with Pat saying the Big Fish is very important to Hayward and brings people to the area and urges the Board to contribute. Len Eckerly said we will discuss the issue at our budget meeting.
The BLUEBERRY LAKE DRY HYDRANT project is completed. The Town received a request to pay the $500 as promised last year to help with the expense of the installation.
Len got prices for a new MOWER ATTACHMENT for the tractor in the amount of $7,600 or $8,200.
Lee Wilmsen made a motion to purchase the $8,200 mower attachment; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
The Board discussed CONTRACTING WITH THE LCO FIRE DEPT. rather then Couderay.
Len Eckerly talked with Fire Chief Eric Crowe who said he currently has about 40 volunteers. LCO is closer to Hunter Township and usually arrives before Couderay. Len Eckerly said he has confidence in LCO that they would do a good job. They are also a certified fire department. This issue will be decided at a later date.
Len Eckerly checked on prices to REPLACE THE TOWN OF HUNTER SIGN. Darrel Vitcenda quoted a price of $700 for 4'x8' – ½" board or $750 for ¾" board. Raymond Signs quoted $800. The Board decided to go with Vitcenda.
The Clerk presented BARTENDER LICENSES for Barrett Johnson and Stephen Sisko that were approved on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
APPROVAL OF CHECKS #12853 thru #12875 was given for a total expenditure of $15,117.83.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk