MONTHLY BOARD MEETING – December 10, 2008
Less 5 Outstanding Checks $ 3,327.68
Beginning Check Book Balance $49,496.04
November Bank Statement Activity
Deposits $11,753.56
Interest Earned $ 40.25
Checks Cleared $19,804.02
11/30/08 Bank Statement Balance $44,813.51
Less 5 Outstanding Checks $ 1,787.01
Ending Check Book Balance $43,026.50
High Yield Account Beginning Balance $38,207.92
General Fund $10,157.16
Interest Earned $ 78.51
Comp Plan Fund $13,129.27
Debits/Transfers $ .00
Revaluation Fund $15,000.00
Ending Bank Statement Balance $38,286.43
Total all Accounts $81,312.93
The Treasurer's report was approved as read from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried. (B)ZONING(/B) – Sawyer County Zoning requested Towns to give their opinion on possibly allowing small storage buildings on vacant camping properties. Lee Wilmsen made a motion to allow a single small storage building not larger than 100 square feet on a camping lot as long as the County requires a permit; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; opposed Len Eckerly. Sawyer County Zoning also requested Towns to give their opinion on allowing for the raising of chickens on properties in residential zone districts. Currently the only properties on which chickens can "legally" be raised are those properties in the Ag One and Ag Two zone districts. Len Eckerly made a motion to prohibit raising of chickens in all residential zone districts; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; apposed Gene Mittlestadt. (B)ROAD REPORT(/B) – RJ's Construction did some damage on Flowage Road while putting in a water main system in New Post. They will fix the damage in the Spring. A letter was written to the Town of Ojibwa concerning possible damage on their road during plowing. Tom Helsing called and it was decided to meet on Flowage Road in the Spring to go over the problem areas. We received approximately 120 yards of salt/sand mix some of which has been spread on intersections and hills. The roads have been plowed a couple of times. The (B)COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE(/B) is making progress. Sawyer County Zoning Clerk Kris Mayberry sent a letter requesting that we pay half of the Comprehensive Plan contract by 12/31/08 in the amount of $6,000. The Treasurer said there were 3 new SNOWPLOW CONTRACTS. A previously approved contract will be returned because of a dog run in the way and not much room to maneuver the equipment. Lee Wilmsen made a motion to approve 3 additional contracts for a total of 181; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried. Jackie Eckerly is actively trying to collect the (B)PAST DUE DELINQUENT PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES.(/B) Lee Wilmsen said the Town of Bass Lake passed on Ordinance that the trailer park owners must collect Personal Property taxes. The Board decided that Len and Lee will contact each individual in person if they do not respond to Jackie's letters. Wayne Giest of Winter told Len Eckerly that they will (B)GRADE HEMLOCK AND EAST FORK ROADS(/B) when we want. It was agreed to do our portion the same time they do theirs. Waste Management called Len to talk about the new HAULING CONTRACT for next year. We will put a bid notice in the paper before our contract is up in June and also call Allied Waste and ask for a bid from them. Jeff Schneider, Vice President of the Osprey Lake Properties Owners Association, was present and asked the Town Board to consider writing an ordinance restricting "time of day" for water sport activities such as skiing, tubing, jet skiing etc. to reduce user conflict and safety hazard. The Osprey Association voted unanimously to adopt an ordinance and the Town of Hayward agreed to adopt an ordinance for their portion of Osprey Lake. We agreed to put this item on our February agenda. (B)APPROVAL OF CHECKS(/B) #13433 thru #13468 was given for a total expenditure of $19,074.75. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Len Eckerly; all in favor; motion carried.
Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk