Minutes of Jan., 2009

MONTHLY BOARD MEETING – January 14, 2009
Chairman Len Eckerly called the monthly Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 6:36 p.m.; all members present. The Clerk read the minutes of the December 2008 Board meeting and was amended to say that Len Eckerly and not Lee Wilmsen stated that the Town of Bass Lake had passed an ordinance that trailer park owners must collect personal property taxes. Also, that Len and Lee will contact the Trailer park owners regarding delinquent personal property taxes. The minutes were approved as amended by Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried. Since the December meeting Lee found out that service contracts, such as garbage haulers, do not have to be posted in the newspaper to obtain bids.

The TREASURER'S REPORT was read by Jackie Eckerly as follows:
$ 44,813.51 – 11/30/08 Bank Statment Balance
$ 1,787.01 – Less 5 Outstanding Checks
$ 43,026.50 – Beginning Check Book Balance

December Bank Statement Activity
$ 6,256.28 – Deposits
$ 18,000.00 – Transfer In from MMDA
$ 32.25 – Interest Earned
$ 31,792.86 – Less Check Cleared
$ 37,309.18 – 12/31/08 Bank Statement Balance
$ 2,185.23 – Less 6 Outstanding Checks
$ 35,123.95 – Ending Check Book Balance

$ 38,286.43 – Money Market Account Beginning Balance
$ 98.18 – Interest Earned
$331,920.82 – Deposits
$ 18,021.10 – Debits/Transfers Out
$352,284.33 – Ending Bank Statement Balance


$387,408.28 – Total all Accounts

Fund Accounts
$ 10,234.24 – General Fund
$ 3,000.00 – Re-valuation Fund
$ 7,129.27 – Comprehensive Plan Fund
$331,920.82 – Tax Collections

Gene Mittlestadt made a motion to approve the Treasurers report; 2nd Lee Wilmsin; all in favor; motion carried.

ROAD REPORT – there has been several repairs to the International; the Ford snow plow had to be replaced; Town roads had to be plowed several times due to heavy snow fall.

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN – target dates have been set up to August 2009. In April the Comprehensive Plan Commission will be picked by the Comprehensive Plan Board and then elected by the Town Board. Len Eckerly feels they are on target for meeting the 2010 dead line.

Five new SNOWPLOW CONTRACTS were received and approved on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried. We now have a total of 187.

Two representatives from Waste Management were present and discussed their SERVICE CONTRACT renewal. They currently charge $738.12 for trash pick up and $132.90 for recycling. The Board will continue discussing contract options with Allied Waste in February.

The Clerk informed the Board that there are POSTING REQUIREMENTS FOR SLOW-NO- WAKE BUOYS. The Wisconsin Administrative Code NR 5.15 states a sign must be posted at public landings that says there is a Local Ordinance in place for watercraft restrictions. Or a map may be posted showing those areas with local restrictions. The Clerk will check on the exact wording for the signs.

Troy Kadlecek of TAK Inspectors, our current BUILDING INSPECTOR, sent a letter requesting that we pass an ordinance for UNIFORM DWELLING CODE enforcement. He also sent a contract for the Board to sign to keep him on as our building inspector. In 2004 the Town Board did not pass the UDC enforcement so the State of Wisconsin appointed TAK to the Town of Hunter. Lee Wilmsen made a motion to allow the State of Wisconsin to continue handling the UDC program and assign an inspector for the Town of Hunter; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried. The Clerk informed the Board that WISPECT of Ladysmith, WI has been assigned in place of TAK Inspectors.

ORDER OF NAMES were picked for the April 7 election. For Chairman Len Eckerly is first followed by Peter Simpson and for Treasurer, Wanda Schnitger is first followed by Cindy Gutsch.

The Clerk presented an Ordinance allowing the payment of bills in between Board meetings. Gene Mittlestadt made a motion to approve ORDINANCE NO. 2009-01, Alternative Claims Procedure; 2nd Lee Wilmsen; all in favor; motion carried.

APPROVAL OF CHECKS #13470 to #13512 was given for a total expenditure of $19,364.24. The meeting w as adjourned at 8:10 p.m. on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried. Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk