Minutes of Mar., 2009


Chairman Len Eckerly called the monthly Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.; all except Lee Wilmsen were present.

The minutes of the February 11, 2009 Board meeting were read by the Clerk and approved on a motion from Gene Mittlestadt; 2nd Len Eckerly; all in favor; motion carried.


The TREASURER'S REPORT was read by Jackie Eckerly as follows:
$ 39,189.33 – 01/31/09 Bank Statment Balance
$ 746.30 – Less 5 Outstanding Checks
$ 38,443.03 – 02/01/09 Beginning Check Book Balance

Febuary Bank Statement Activity
$ 984.02 – Deposits
$ 15.44 – Interest Earned
$ 33,615.43 – Less Check Cleared
$ 6,573.36 – 02/28/09 Bank Statement Balance
$ 794.88 – Less 10 Outstanding Checks
$ 5,781.48 – 02/28/09 Ending Check Book Balance

$780,058.41 – 02/01/09 Money Market Account Beginning Balance
$ 1,162.38 – Interest Earned
$291,741.44 – Deposits
$998,903.70 – Debits/Transfers Out
$ 74,058.53 – 02/28/09 Ending Bank Statement Balance


$80,631.89 – Total all Accounts

Fund Accounts
$ 12,427.78 – General Fund
$ 3,000.00 – Re-valuation Fund
$ 7,129.27 – Comprehensive Plan Fund
$ 851.67 – Overpaid Taxes and Dog Licenses
$ 50,643.87 – Tax Collections

The TREASRUER'S REPORT was approved as read from Gene Mittlestadt; 2nd Len Eckerly all in favor; motion carried.

ROAD REPORT – bearings holding the hydraulic pump shaft on the International had to be replaced; we received approximately 96 yards of a much better mix of salt/sand; there are problems starting the 2006 Ford when temperatures are below zero; the End Loader mounting frame was repaired; we will put on weight restrictions when the County does.

Gene Mittlestadt made a motion to approve the ROUND LAKE FIRE CONTRACT from April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010 in the amount of $7,000; 2nd Len Eckerly; all in favor; motion carried.

Doug Kurtzweil reminded us that Board of Review won't be until September. He also reminded us that we will have to open the Board of Review this Spring and then close it to re- convene in September.

APPROVAL OF CHECKS #13555 to #13601 was given for a total expenditure of 43,170.61. The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. on a motion from Gene Mittlestadt; 2nd Len Eckerly all in favor; motion carried.
Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk