Minutes of July, 2009
Chairman Len Eckerly called the monthly Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.; all members except the Treasurer were present.
The minutes of the June 10, 2009 Board meeting were read by the Clerk and approved on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
The TREASURER'S REPORT was read by the Clerk as follows:
$32,510.23 – 05/31/09 Bank Statment Balance
$ 936.77 – Less 4 Outstanding Checks
$31,573.46 – 06/01/09 Beginning Check Book Balance
June Bank Statement Activity
$ 7,074.30 – Deposits
$ 18.85 – Interest Earned
$11,378.80 – Less Check Cleared
$28,224.58 – 05/31/09 Bank Statement Balance
$ 1,006.75 – Less 4 Outstanding Checks
$27,217.83 – 05/31/09 Ending Check Book Balance
$23,536.63 – 05/31/09 Money Market Account Balance
$ 34.86 – Interest Earned
$23,570.49 – 06/01/09 Bank Statement Balance
$50,788.32 – Total all Accounts
Fund Accounts
$ 3,441.22 – General Fund
$13,000.00 – Re-valuation Fund
$ 7,129.27 – Comprehensive Plan Fund
The TREASRUER'S REPORT was approved as read from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
ROAD REPORT – mowing of Town roads continues; the State mandated road rating has been started and must be completed by December 15th; the rear air brake canisters on the International has been replaced; there is no beaver activity at the Hemlock Haven Road culverts.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN – the amendment to Ordinance No. 2009-03 was tabled until Len Eckerly checks with the County for the time frame of sending zoning changes.
Steve George presented the Comprehensive Plan Draft for Town Board approval. He said the Comprehensive Plan Committee has been meeting for 3 years to get to the point they are at now. Special recognition went to Paul Ryan, Sheldon Johnson, Len and Jackie Eckerly for their dedication and work. A discussion of the draft followed Steve's presentation. The informational meeting will be held at the Town Hall on August 18, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. The public hearing will held at the Town Hall on September 23, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. at which time the Commission will hear testimony and will take the public input into consideration and present any changes to the Town Board for final approval. Lee Wilmsen asked that the Commission send a post card to all Town of Hunter residents advising them of the meetings and to let them know where they can obtain a copy of the Plan.
Lee Wilmsen made a motion to accept the Comprehensive Planning Commission Resolution No. 2009-01; 2nd Len Eckerly; nay Gene Mittlestadt.
Lee Wilmsen made a motion remove Gary Clause as an alternate Comprehensive Planning Commission member do to the fact he is not a Town of Hunter resident; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
The Clerk presented an AGENT CHANGE FOR DUN ROVIN LODGE from Edward Golom to Michael Golom and was approved on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
Lee Wilmsen made a motion to approve the DUN ROVIN LODGE LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL for the period ending June 30, 2010; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
Lee Wilmsen drafted a letter to send to trailer park owners regarding paying of PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES. The letter will be typed and discussed at the August meeting along with a letter to the trailer owners.
The Clerk presented the OSPREY LAKE ORDINANCE NO 2009-02 REPLACEMENT DRAFT and a condition report draft, written by Kathy McCoy, for water activity on the lake. These two items must be sent to the DNR for approval before the Town can approve the ordinance. Lee Wilmsen made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2009-02 draft and condition report draft; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.
APROVAL OF CHECKS #13701 through #13729 was given for a total expenditure of $16,512.01. The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m. on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Len Eckerly; all in favor; motion carried