Minutes of Feb, 2011

MONTHLY BOARD MEETING – February 9, 2011

Chairman Len Eckerly called the monthly Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.; all members present.
The minutes of the January 12, 2011 Board meeting were read by the Clerk and approved on a motion from Gene Mittlestadt; 2nd Len Eckerly; all in favor; motion carried.

The TREASURER'S REPORT was read by the Treasurer as follows:
$15,465.57 – 12/31/10 Bank Statment Balance
$ 220.00 – Less 2 Outstanding Checks
$15,245.57 – 01/01/11 Beginning Check Book Balance

January Bank Statement Activity
$20,884.31 – Deposits
$ 3.94 – Plus Transfer from MMDA
$ 9.32 – Interest Earned
$15,278.50 – Less Checks Cleared
$21,084.64 – 01/31/11 Bank Statement Balance
$ 1,084.20 – Less 3 Outstanding Checks
$19,997.44 – 01/31/11 Ending Check Book Balance

$431,640.10 – 01/01/11 Money Market Account Balance
$ 476.67 – Interest Earned
$ 3.94 – Less Transfer to DDA
$786,657.25 – Deposits
$323,873.32 – Less Debits
$894,896.76 – 01/31/11 Bank Statement Balance


$914,894.20 – Total all Accounts

Fund Accounts
$ 76,777.07 – General Fund
$ 14,100.00 – Machinery Fund
$804,019.69 – Taxes, Dogs & Overpaids The Treasurer's Report was approved by Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all infavor; motion carried.

ROAD REPORT – 7 truck loads of salt/sand mix were delivered; minor repairs were done on both Ford trucks; town roads are snow packed but in good driving condition.

Lee Wilmsen made a motion to approve 1 more SNOWPLOW CONTRACT for a total of 184; 2nd Len Eckerly; all in favor; motion carried. This contract had already been sent prior to the Board deciding not to accept anymore contracts.

The Board discussed the DNR's request to SNOW PLOW BOAT LANDINGS on the Flowage. Do to a liability and safety factors Lee Wilmsen made a motion to not plow the boat landings; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried. Lee Wilmsen will write a letter to Gary Gedhart informing him of the Board's decision.

The 2010 CASH AUDIT was presented by the Clerk and approved on a motion form Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Gene Mittlestadt; all in favor; motion carried.

Waldo Asp, representing the Sawyer County Lakes Forum, was present and asked if he could use the Town Hall for a meeting on April 21 at 10:00 a.m. The Board approved his request. He also said they are one board member short and asked if anyone would like to fill the spot.
We are going to write a letter to the Legislatures regarding our wishes on the prevailing law issue.

APPROVAL OF CHECKS #14254 through #14286 was given for a total expenditure of $15,329.94. The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m. on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Len Eckerly; all in favor; motion carried.
Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk