Fire Danger

Fire Danger

The Town of Hunter is asking all Town residents to be aware of the very high fire danger due to the severe drought conditions.
The DNR has suspended annual burn permits in all DNR protection areas across the state due to current and forecasted conditions.
The DNR has already responded to over 50 wildfires across Wisconsin this week compared to 7 last year. The majority of wildfires are related to debris burning.

Wind speed dramatically increases the danger of fire.

Until conditions improve the DNR asks you to avoid all outdoor burning, including debris burning, campfires, barbeque, and bonfires. Also use caution with any off-road vehicles or equipment that can create a spark and start a fire.


Report fires early by calling 911.
Avoid outdoor burning until conditions improve. Burn permits for debris burning are currently suspended in most counties.
Limit the use of chainsaws, off-road vehicles, lawnmowers, etc. until drought/dry conditions improve.
Secure dragging trailer chains to avoid creating sparks.
Do not try to suppress a fire by yourself.
Never operate drones/unmanned aircraft over or near fires — it endangers the lives of pilots and firefighters and interferes with fire suppression operations.

Check current fire danger, wildfire reports, and burning restrictions on the DNR’s website…