Minutes of June, 2009


A public informational meeting was held on the above date to explain the history of the Comprehensive planning process. This meeting was attended by some of the town's people. Copies of the goals and objectives along with maps of this plan were handed out to the attending people.

The commission will continue it's work on the plan along with planning maps.
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month unless otherwise noted.
Public participation and comments on the plan are encouraged.


Place: Hunter Town Hall                     

Leonard Eckerly called meeting to order

Time: 8:47 am

Present:  Doug Kurtzweil, Leonard Eckerly, Cheryl Treland, Steve George,
 Jackie Eckerly  Guests: Sheldon Johnson, Scott Allen

Motion made to accept the minutes of the June 2nd meeting by Steve and 2nd by Doug, motion carried.

An acclamation was made to have Leonard Eckerly as Chairmen and Steve George as Vice-Chairman.

The following term of the commission was made by acclamation and will be as follows:
1 year to be served by Steve George
2 years to be served by Leonard Eckerly and gosh
3 years to be served by Cheryl Treland and Doug Kurtzweil

There will be an amendment to the Ordinance No. 2009-03 Town of Hunter Planning Commission. Page 2 should read as "To consider, report, and recommend on all matters referred to them, within forty-five (45) days of the first filing date with the commission. After such time the Town Board may take final action without it."
Scott Allen presented the Economic Development Plan.  There were some changes made.
Sheldon Johnson presented a Preliminary Draft of our Plan. Again changes need to be made to the Agriculture, Natural & Cultural Resources along with changes to the Land Use chapter. All changes will be ready for the Thursday June 18th Informational Meeting with the Public.

Schedule of future meetings:

06-23-09 TUESDAY 8:30 AM (Resolution ready to present to the Town Board)
07-08-09 WEDNESDAY 6:30 PM (Town Board Mtg. Present Plan to the board)
08-18-09 TUESDAY 7:00 PM (Public Hearing open to the public)

A motion was made by Steve to adjourn the meeting, second by Len. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 12:17 pm.

Minutes have been taped and taken by Jackie Eckerly. These minutes will also appear on the Hunter Web Page.
Next Meeting will be on June 23th at 8:30 AM Town Hall.


Place: Hunter Town Hall                     

Paul Ryan called meeting to order

Time: 8:42 am

Present:  Doug Kurtzweil, Leonard Eckerly, Paul Ryan,
Cheryl Treland, Chris Jeffords, Jackie Eckerly

Absent: Steve George, Gerry Brodsky, Don Robinson, Chuck Block, gosh,

Motion made to accept the minutes of the May meeting by Cheryl and 2nd by Chris, motion carried.

The Planning Commission Ordinance was approved with (2) changes.
Section 2: Members should be member, and Section 4: should start with: The duties of the Town of Hunter Planning Commission are to create and adopt (etc.)
The following components have been approved by the committee.
Housing:           Motion by Cheryl 2nd by Chris. Motion carried
Transportation: Motion by Cheryl 2nd by Paul. Motion carried
Utilities:               & nbsp;"        "     Paul  2nd by Cheryl  "        "
Intergovernmental: "        "    Doug 2nd by Paul      "       "
Population & Dem:"        "  Cheryl 2nd by Len       "       "
Implementation:     "        "  Cheryl 2nd by Paul      "       "

Our June 16th agenda will be as follows:

  1. Appoint position for the Commission Officers
  2. Assign the length of terms for Officers
  3. Review all Implementation Target corrections
  4. Review the Land Use corrections
  5. Review the Agricultural, Natural & Cultural Res.

Schedule of future meetings:

06-16-09 TUESDAY 8:30 AM (Planning Commission takes over)
06-18-09 THURS. 7:00 PM (1ST Informational meeting)
06-23-09 TUESDAY 8:30 AM (Resolution ready to present to the Town Board)
07-08-09 WEDNESDAY 6:30 PM (Town Board Mtg. Present Plan to the board)
08-18-09 TUESDAY 7:00 PM (Public Hearing open to the public)
A motion was made by Cheryl to adjourn the meeting, second by Paul. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 11:50 am.

Minutes have been taped and taken by Jackie Eckerly. These minutes will also appear on the Hunter Web Page.
Next Meeting will be on June 16th at 8:30 AM Town Hall.