Place: Hunter Town Hall
Leonard Eckerly called meeting to order
Time: 6:30 pm
Present: Douglas Kurtzweil, Leonard Eckerly, Cheryl Treland,
Steve George, Gerry Brodsky, Jackie Eckerly (secretary)
RE: Cluster Zoning Development
Minutes: A motion to approve the June, 2010 minutes made by Doug and 2nd by Gerry. Motion carried.
Cluster Zoning Development was discussed by the Commission and the following motion was made:
The Commission recommends denial to the Town of Hunter Board on the grounds this proposal in many ways is vague, incomplete, fails to address minimum frontage requirements. Appears that it could be a loophole for key hole and also the language places too much power in the hands of an un-elected appointed individual. This motion was made by Doug and 2nd by Gerry with one abstaining (Leonard Eckerly). Motion carried.
The Commission also wants stated that they are not against the concept of Cluster Developing. That we can see the merits of it. But we just don't think that this is drawn up with the proper documentation. If this proposal was drawn up properly we would consider it.
A motion was made to adjourn at 7:10pm by Cheryl and 2nd by Steve.
Minutes taken and transcribed by
Jackie Eckerly