Minutes of Mar, 2008
Place: Hunter Town Hall
Paul Ryan called meeting to order
Time: 9:07am
Present: Paul Ryan, Chuck Block, Don Robinson, Cheryl Treland, Gerry Brodsky, Steve George, Jackie Eckerly. Guest were: Scott Allen, Liz Metcalf of (SCED), Sheldon Johnson, Chad Kostner of (NWRPC).
A motion for approval of the minutes from the February 20th meeting was made
by Gerry Brodsky and 2nd by Cheryl Treland, motion was carried.
Scott Allen spoke on the strategy for the Comprehensive Plan. This will be taken from the survey that the population of Town of Hunter has filled out. A copy of the survey was given to Scott and will do the Economic Development part. Sheldon Johnson has come back with the Transportation section completed for our further review. We are to update this and make changes that are necessary. We also need to work on the Goals, and Objectives for our community. We were given the "Wisconsin's 14 Comprehensive Planning Goals." The grant that Hunter received must meet these 14 goals, and objectives and be in our Comprehensive Plan. Chad Kostner was also there with maps that we are to complete with the industrial, commercial, resorts, restaurant, etc. This has been completed and mailed to Sheldon for their completion. He will also start to do the narrative and give it to us for our changes.
Our April agenda will be as follows:
1. To review final Transportation Plan
2. 1st review of Utilities and Community Facilities Plan
3. Review the lst revised Map for Land Use
Schedule of future meetings:
04-16-08 Future meetings will be discussed for the summer work schedule.
A motion was made by Chuck Block to adjourn the meeting, second by Steve George.
Meeting adjourned at 11:20 am.
Minutes have been taped and taken by Jackie Eckerly. These minutes will also appear on the Hunter Web Page.
Next Meeting will be on April 16th at 9:00AM Town Hall.