Minutes of Jan, 2009
Place:Hunter Town Hall
Leonard Eckerly called meeting to order
Time:9:10 am
Present: Doug Kurtzweil, Leonard Eckerly, Gerry Brodsky, Don Robinson, Steve George, Jackie Eckerly,
Absent:Chris Jeffords, Chuck Block, Paul Ryan, Cheryl Treland, gosh
Motion made to accept the minutes of the December meeting by Doug and 2nd by Gerry, motion carried.
There was discussion on the future Planning Commission members. There should be (5) members, (possible 2) alternatives to meet once a month. Current committee members were told what a commission member's duties entail. Also discussed were the target dates for all elements. This will be on going for the next meeting. The bike/walking trail was talked about and should be discussed further. Someone should check into a possible grant for this idea. The 45 MPH speed limit for mentioned and was not looked at with favor. The Intergovernmental Relationship ratings were discussed and will be submitted to Sheldon for typing.
Our February agenda will be as follows:
1. Setting up time-frames for all Objectives
2. Look over the Intergovernmental Cooperation for additional comments.
Schedule of future meetings:
02-18-09 WEDNESDAY 9:00AM
03-17-09 TUESDAY 9:00AM
04-15-09 WEDNESDAY 9:00AM (Seeking members for the Plan Commission)
05-19-09 TUESDAY 9:00 AM (Plan Commission Ord. on Town Brd. Agenda)
06-16-09 TUESDAY 8:30 AM
06-18-09 THURS. 7:00 PM (1ST Informational meeting)
06-23-09 TUESDAY 8:30 AM (Getting ready to present Plan to Town Board)
07-08-09 WEDNESDAY 6:30 PM (Town Board Mtg. Present Plan to the board)
08-18-09 TUESDAY 7:00 PM (Public Hearing open to the public)
A motion was made to above the above dates by Doug and 2nd by Gerry. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Gerry to adjourn the meeting, second by Doug. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 am.
Minutes have been taped and taken by Jackie Eckerly. These minutes will also appear on the Hunter Web Page.
Next Meeting will be on February 18th at 9:00 AM Town Hall.